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Architectural, instrumental & natural heritage (Observatoire de la Côte d'azur)

Click on the section that interests you  :
1.  Architectural & Instrumental heritage  : Instruments (general) ; Coudé refractor  GI2TLaser ranging station ; Schmidt telescope
2. Natural heritage  ;
3. Preservation and enhancement of Heritage : a. Protection of scientific facilities - b. The history of the Scientific museum project   (The REMUS project ; Charles Garnier Committee (missions and reports) -  The museum project - The feasibility studies - The preliminary exhibitions)
Click on the cover page of the document to view it. The option "to find out more" allows you to consult the summary and the detailed bibliographic notice of the document.

   Architectural & instrumental heritage

 Instruments (general)

Text section  

Annales de l'observatoire de Nice. Vo. 1 [Part 1. Text]  & [Part 2. Atlas]
Joseph Anastase Perrotin   ; Observatoire de Nice  (1899)

Call number :  A002341(A1)  (text) and   A002341(A2) (atlas)

History of the Nice observatory from its creation until 1911 (buildings, instruments, staff, scientific works). Contains a detailed description of the main instruments (Grand Equatorial, Equatorial 0m38 opening, Equatorial Coudé...) in its text section and technical drawings in the "Atlas" section.

Access condition : free access for all

Atlas section
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OCA NI 10680 W190 OCR l astronomie 100 1986 1  

Les instruments des observatoires français au 19e siècle
Solange Grillot (1986) 
in L'Astronomie, vol. 100, Juin 1986, p.275-289
Call number : W190 / OCA-NI-010680

The article takes stock of the main instruments equipping the major French public observatories as well as some private observatories. It includes the Nice Observatory and gives an overview of the names dominating the astronomical instrument industry in the 19th century.

Access condition : restricted access to OCA

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L'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur : ses moyens modernes d'observations
François Barlier  ; Pierre Granès ; Farrokh Vakili  ; Renata Feldman (eds.) et al. (1988)
Call number : W18 (OCA-NI-005002)
This document describes in particular the means of observation deployed on the Calern site
  (Schmidt's telescope, the 2-telescope interferometer (I2T), the large 2-telescope interferometer (GI2T), the infrared interferometer, the moon laser and the satellite laser, a photoelectric astrolabe)

Access condition : restricted access to OCA
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OCA NI 005501 W36 Leguet Patrimoine des obs 1
Patrimoine des observatoires
Françoise Le Guet Tully ; Carlos Jaschek (1992)
Call number : W36 (OCA- NI-005501)

Preliminary report on the French astronomical heritage. It includes the Nice Observatory (p.35-39) 

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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OCA NI 005521 W41 brenni etude sur le patrimoine
Etude sur le patrimoine instrumental de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur : rapport
Paolo Bruni ; Anthony Turner (1996)
Call number : W41 (OCA-NI-005521)

With a view to create a museum on the Nice Mont-Gros site , the authors draw up an inventory and a state of the instrumental heritage.  This work is completed by basic indications for their restorations.

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.

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OCA NI 006450 w41 drac phototypes image   Liste des phototypes sur l'observatoire de Nice, 1995-1996 
DRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.Service régional de l' inventaire (1996)

Call number : 002694  (OCA-NI-A002694)  et cote W40  (OCA-NI-006450)

Study and photographic coverage of old scientific instruments from the Nice observatory with a view to draw up an inventory available online. See at right the result of this work in the database "POP"


Access condition :
digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.

See also this external resource  :  
POP : la plateforme ouverte du Patrimoine
contains detailed instructions and photos of the instruments and buildings of the Nice Observatory from the DRAC PACA inventory
(free access)


OCA NI 006676 W65 0001
Patrimoine astronomique en région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Site de Nice . Vol. 1 Architecture
Jean Davoigneau ; Françoise Le Guet Tully et al. (2002)
Call number : W65 (OCA-NI-006676)

Inventory of the residential buildings and the scientific buildings on the Nice observatory 

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.


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OCA NI 006678 W67
Patrimoine astronomique en région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.  Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Site de Nice . Vol. 2 Instruments
Jean Davoigneau ; Françoise Le Guet Tully et al.  (2002)
Call number :  W66 (OCA-NI-006677)

Part 1 of the Inventory of the instruments, the entrance buildings and the scientific buildings on the Nice observatory

Access condition
: digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site. 

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OCA NI 006678 W67  
Patrimoine astronomique en région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Site de Nice . Vol. 3 Instruments
Jean Davoigneau ; Françoise Le Guet Tully et al.  (2002)
Call number : W67 (OCA-NI-006678)

Part 2 of the Inventory of the instruments on the Nice observatory

Access condition
: digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site. 

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Coudé refractor  - Nice observatory

Adaptation d'un réfracteur coudé aux observations solaires : premiers résultats : [PHD thesis, Univ. Nice,1973]
Gilbert Ricort  (1973)
Call number : 001645 (OCA-NI-001645)
This document explains the restoration and transformation in 1969 of this stellar instrument into a solar instrument

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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GI2T (Grand Interféromètre à 2 Télescopes = large interferometer with two telescopes)  - Calern observatory


OCA NI 010822 W196 TITRE LARDIERE ENTRAINEMENT UNIVERSEL POUR TELESCOPES   Entraînement universel pour télescopes : rapport de stage : Mémoire de DEA : Instrumentation et commandes : Caen : 1995 .
Olivier Lardière  (1995)

Call number W196 (inv. OCA-NI-010822) 

Realization of an universal drive system intended for both the 80 cm telescope of the OHP, and the 3rd ball telescope which will be added to the GI2T, in service since 1984 at the Côte d'Azur Observatory 

Access condition  : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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Etude optique des senseurs de front d'onde du grand interféromètre à 2 téléscopes  : Rapport de stage :  DEA Astronomie, imagerie et haute résolution angulaire : [Univ. Nice] , 16 june 1997 
Alberic de Bonnevie (1997) 
Call number : W132  (OCA-NI-009813)
The author examines the general principle of the image corrections by adaptive optics. Then he presents the Roddier type sensor provided for the GI2T.
Access condition  : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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Mesures et caractérisations de l'analyseur de courbure d'un système d' optique adaptative : Rapport de stage : Licence prof. d'électronique et d'optique des télécom. : Fac. des sc. et techn., Univ. de Limoges : 2004
Sylvain Khelifati (2004)
Call number : W131 (OCA-NI-009812)
The purpose of adaptive optics is to correct this atmospheric turbulence which distorts the images that terrestrial telescopes can receive. Several known means can be implemented to correct this turbulence.
The objective of the adaptive optics developed at GI2T is to set up an inexpensive and quick installation system
Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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Laser ranging Station 


Ensemble de désignation et de commande de tir pour station de télémétrie laser : tir en aveugle 
Hatat, Jean-Louis
Thèse d'Université : Sciences : Univ. Paris VI,  1974
Cote W197 / OCA-NI-010820

 Access condition : restricted access to OCA
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Schmidt telescope  (TESCA) - Calern observatory

OCA NI 005092 W79 Heudier Telescope de Schmidt27mars2020 1
Télescope de Schmidt de Calern (TESCA) : notice générale, demande de clichés
 Jean-Louis Heudier (1986)
Call number : W79 (OCA-NI-005092)

This document presents the mode of operation of the Schmidt Telescope located at the Calern Observatory

Access condition : restricted access to OCA
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  Natural heritage


OCA NI 004932 Guide Environnement du Mont Gros TITRE  
Le Mont-Gros, domaine de l'Observatoire de Nice, guide de l'environnement = Guide de l'environnement du Mont-Gros, domaine de l'Observatoire de Nice [titre de couv.]
Observatoire de Nice ; Centre régional de documentation pédagogique de Nice ; Hervé Fabre et al (1975)
Call number  : W6  (OCA-NI-004932)

Geology and botany works on the Nice Observatory area :  the result of a collaboration between the CRDP and the Nice Observatory.

Access condition  : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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OCA NI 004507 W1 CEEP Bilan ecologique plateau Calern Titre  
Bilan écologique du plateau de Calern (Dép. Alpes Maritimes ; communes de Caussols et Cipières)...
Conservatoire Etudes des Ecosystèmes de Provence Alpes du sud (CEEP)  (1992)
Call number : W1 (OCA-NI-004507)

After a general presentation of the land of Calern, the document draws up a complete inventory of the fauna and flora.

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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OCA NI 005504 W39Labeyrie Recensement des Infrastructures plateau Calern
Recensements des infrastructures sur le plateau de Calern et premières propositions d'amélioration paysagère
Catherine Labeyrie (1994)
Call number : W39  (OCA-NI-005504)

Dedicated to the Caussols site, this first document constitutes an inventory of the infrastructures of the Calern Observatory as well as proposals for improvement with regard in particular to their impact on the environment


Access condition
: digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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OCA NI 004991 W5 CEEP Obs de Nues et propositions de gestion 1
Observatoire de Nice : synthèse des données écologiques et propositions de gestion
Conservatoire Etudes des Ecosystèmes de Provence Alpes du Sud (CEEP) (1994)
Call number : W5  (OCA-NI-004991)
History and state of vegetation at Mont-Gros. Assessment and proposal for improving the current management taking into account the different interests of the site (scientific, historical, biological, forestry, educational and landscape) 

Access condition
  :  digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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Domaine de l'observatoire 35 ha 68 a : premier aménagement 1995-2004 : série unique : protection des biotopes et des paysages et accueil du public
Office national des forêts (ONF) (1994-1996)
Call number : W3  (OCA-NI-004992)

The Nice Mont-Gros Site falls under the forest regime. A general management plan was drawn up by the ONF for the period 1995-2004. This document sets the management objectives and provisions relating to fire protection

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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Plateau de Calern : balade naturaliste pour comprendre ses secrets
Catherine Labeyrie ; Annie Malausa-Guégant ; Danièle Cottin (ill.) (1997)
Call number : W83 (OCA-NI-007360)
Naturalist walk to discover the diversity of the Calern observatory area : its fauna, flora, geology but also its human activities such as pastoralism, astronomy and speleology.

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.


OCA NI 006791 W70 CEEP BOUARD DOMAINE DE L OCA A NICE 1 Domaine de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur à Nice : participation à la démarche d'inventaire, conseils et propositions de gestion
Rapport de stage : BTSA option gestion et protection de la nature. Spécialité : gestion des espaces naturels : CEEP, Aix En Provence : 2002.
Jérôme Bouard ; CEEP (2002)

Call number : W70  (OCA-NI-006791)

The author, trainee at the CEEP in 2001, carried out an inventory of the fauna of the domain of Nice Mont-Gros.
He analyzed the management of the site then he proposed developments to maintain biodiversity. Three points in particular were studied : forest diversity, fire safety and public opening projects.

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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Synthèse des inventaires réalisés sur le site du Mont Gros (au cours du 2ème trimestre 2000 et de l'été 2001)
Conservatoire-Etudes des Ecosystèmes de Provence - Alpes du sud (CEEP) ; Muriel Brès (Nov. 2001)
Call number : W71 (OCA-NI-006792)  

Updated inventories of fauna and flora on the Nice Mont-Gros site and management proposal.

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.

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Bilan d'activité pour l'année 2001 : Terrains de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (Alpes-Maritimes)
Conservatoire-Etudes des Ecosystèmes de Provence-Alpes du Sud (CEEP) (2001)
Call number : W72 (OCA-NI-006793)

Review of the CEEP-OCA partnership (inventories, management advice, scientific monitoring of certain species, promotion actions)


Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.


 Preservation and enhancement of Heritage 

  Protection of scientific facilities

The 1970s and 1980s saw the birth of various urbanization and installation projects (crushing plant, quarries, real estate projects, etc.). Ensuring the protection of installations and more generally of sites has become a major concern of the Nice Observatory and CERGA in order to sustain their scientific activities. This concern shared by a large number of observatories has given rise to various studies and proposals for legal protection.


Rapport du groupe de travail sur la protection des observatoires astronomiques et géophysiques : Grasse, 18 nov. 1984  
Comité des Etudes et Rapports (CODER) ; Jean Kovalevsky  ; François Barlier  (1984)
Call number : W187  (OCA-NI-010665)

Nuisances against observation conditions in observatories are intensifying. The purpose of this study is to analyze these nuisances, to give the maximum admissible values and to lay the scientific foundations for legislation. CERGA and the Nice Observatory are notably cited.

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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  The scientific museum project (history) (The REMUS project  -  The Charles Garnier Committee  - The feasibility studies - The preliminary exhibitions)

The REMUS project

OCA NI 004994 W4 PROGRAMME REMUS Museologie titre  

Programme d'aide à la recherche en muséologie scientifique et technique [REMUS]
Françoise Le Guet Tully (1990)
Call number : W4 / OCA-NI-004994

Description and funding request for the “Discover the universe of astronomers” project under the responsibility of Françoise Le Guet Tully.

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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  The Charles Garnier committee (missions and activities)

At the end of 1991, the Côte d'Azur observatory (OCA) instructed the Nice International Association for the development of the Nice observatory (ADION) to set up a commission to preserve and enhance the scientific and architectural heritage of the Nice Observatory. In 1992, it created the Charles Garnier Committee which would play a major role in the development of the museum project.
Seethe missions and activity reports of the Charles Garnier Committee (1991-1993) 


 The museum project  (presentation)

image bibnumW2 Preservation et mise en valeur pour un large public du Patrimoine historique de l OCA Page Titre   Préservation et mise en valeur pour un large public du patrimoine historique de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur 
José Antonio Freitas de Pacheco (1994).
Call number : W2 ( OCA-NI-004993) (reprogr. en n. et b.)
 Presentation of the museum project by the director of the observatory and request for funding within the framework of the State-Region plan contract
 Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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The feasibility studies


Nice. Schéma de développement pour l'observatoire du Mont-Gros : Dossier d'analyse
Menighetti prgrammation (April 1994)
Call number : W154 (OCA-NI-010257)

The Côte d'Azur Observatory wishes to enhance the Nice Mont-Gros site.
After analyzing it, the author proposes a development scenario.

Access condition
: digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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OCA NI 005502 TITRE W37 MENIGHETTI niceschema develop accueil public
Nice. Observatoire du Mont-Gros. Schéma de développement pour l'accueil du public
Menighetti prgrammation (June 1994)
Call number : W37  (OCA-NI-005502)

This study complements the one published in April 1994 under the title " Nice. Schéma de développement pour l'Observatoire du Mont-Gros / Menighetti programmation". After analyzing the site, its uses and users, the author proposes a development plan.

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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OCA NI 005021 W78 titre  
Cahier des charges pour la mise en valeur et l'ouverture au public du site de l'Observatoire de Nice 
7ème sens (mai 1997)
Call number : W78 (OCA-NI-005021)
 As part of a project to open the Nice Observatory to the general public, this document summarizes the regulatory data,
the heritage and scientific data with a view to carrying out a feasibility study.

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.

 To find out more    


OCA NI 003328 TITRE W109 meneghetti etude faisabilite et de programmation 1
Observatoire de Nice. Etude de faisabilité et de programmation pour la réalisation d'un pôle de culture scientifique.  1. Faisabilité : [Dossier n.1560-1]
Menighetti programmation
July 2002, initial version]
Call number : W109  (OCA-NI-003328)

Feasibility study of a scientific culture center on the Nice Mont-Gros site: inventory and analysis of the studies undertaken;
development of a preliminary program based on identified needs ; construction of scenarios on the possible use of the site. This study is included in a set of 6 vols.


Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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Observatoire de Nice. Etude de faisabilité et de programmation pour la réalisation d'un pôle de culture scientifique.  1. Faisabilité : [dossier n.1560-1b]
Menighetti programmation  (July 2022 , corrected version , august 2022)
Call number : W159 (OCA-NI-010262) / Provisional version (black and white reprography) 
Feasibility study of a scientific culture center on the Nice Mont-Gros site: inventory and analysis of the studies undertaken ;
development of a preliminary program based on identified needs; construction of scenarios on the possible use of the site. This study is included in a set of 6 vols.

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.



Observatoire de Nice. Etude de faisabilité et de programmation pour la réalisation d'un pôle de culture scientifique.  3. Programme
Menighetti programmation (dec. 2002)

Call number : W158 (OCA-NI-010261) (black and white reprography)

Program in view of the opening of the Nice Mont-Gros site to the general public. This study is included in a set of 6 vols.

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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OCA NI 007546 W40 pole culture  

Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Pôle de diffusion de culture scientifique
[Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur]

Call number : W86 / OCA-NI-007546

Summary file including previous studies, an action program in 4 phases with a summary table and an operating diagram in the appendix. 

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
 To find out more  


Observatoire de Nice. Etude de faisabilité et de programmation pour la réalisation d'un pôle de culture scientifique. [4]. Dossier de synthèse
Menighetti programmation (june 2003)

Call number : W153  (OCA-NI-010256)

This document retraces the 3 major stages which enable the implementation of the scientific culture center project
to be initiated on the Nice Mont-Gros site : the feasibility file of August 2002 ;
the reuse and installation scenarios of October 2002 and finally the program of December 2002.


Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.
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The preliminary exhibition "Le Soleil Etoile du Midi" (sept.-oct. 1998, Obs. de Nice)


OCA NI 005557 TITRE W44 OCR 1  
Nice à la découverte de son patrimoine astronomique : évaluation de l'exposition de préfiguration " le soleil étoile du midi" , à l'observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, sept. oct. 1998
Jacqueline Eidelman (sous la dir.) ; Christine Andrys  ; Nathalie Candito Raguet (1998) 
Call number : W44 (OCA-NI-005557) (reprogr.  b. & w.)
The preliminary exhibition "Le Soleil-Etoile du Midi" is one part of the feasibility study for the project to open the Nice Mont-Gros site to the general public.

Access condition : digitized document for preservation purposes only (online access limited to the library service).
Only the paper version is available for reading on site.

To find out more
    Exhibition leaflet


The second exhibition "Le Soleil a rendez-vous avec la terre" (3 jul.-8 nov. 1998, Galerie des Ponchettes, Nice)

OCA NI 005557 W44 PLAQUETTE3 EXPO SOLEIL rdv avec terre juil nov98 PONCHETTES Page 1
Exhibition leaflet


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