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Biblionews is the OCA libraries' newsletter. It's automatically distributed by e-mail to the staff of the institution.

In this newsletter you will find information about :
- titles that have recently been added to our collection ;
- library development and services ;
- tools and information resources available online ;
- table of contents in french and english               

Click below to read a current or archived issue in PDF format


Current year (restricted access by OCA IP address)

 Biblionews139 2025 GB TITRE  BIBLIONEWS140 2025 GB VIGNETTE      
139 - January 2025
 n°. 140 - March 2025      


Biblionews archives and table of contents

Publication date

News at One

Biblionews 140


march 2025 (special issue) Donation of books from Farrokh Vakili (p.2) - New titles in the OCA libraries  (p.9) : Earth sciences (p.9) - Astronomy & Astrophysics (p.10) - Math. / Physics (p.11) - Sciences, General p.14 - Guides & tools p.16)  : ROR (p.16) - DORANUM interactive flowcharts (p.16) - uMap (p.17) - News in Scientific and technical informations (p.17) : Mercury magazine (p.17) - AI & publications (p.17) - Lumen project (p.18) - Open science 2024 (p.18) - SorbonNum+ (p.19)

Biblionews 139

Biblionews139 2025 GB TITRE

january 2025 BIB CNRS 2025 : new portal (p.1) - New titles (books and maps) p.4 : Earth sciences (p.4) - Astronomy & Astrophysics (p.7) - Math. / Physics (p.10) - Sciences, General p.14 - 2025 journal subscriptions (p.17) : CUP agreement - New subscriptions - Subscriptions deleted - Guides and Tools on Scientific integrity (p. 17) :  Practical sheets - RedacTek (extension) - News in Scientific and Technical Information (p.19) : Corpus CoESciTer - Scientific publishers

Biblionews 138


28 october 2024

INVENTORY 2024 (p.1) - BIBNUM-OCA : presentation (p.1) - NICE MONT-GROS LIBRARY: NEWS -  The exhibition of the month (p.3) - Free little library (p.3) - New equipment (p.4) - NEW TITLES  IN OCA LIBRARIES (p.5) - NEW FEATURES ON THE BIBCNRS PORTAL : Click and Read version 3.19.6 (p.11) - List of available resources (INSU and INSIS) (p.12) - GUIDES AND TOOLS : APC (p.14) - Research data management (p.14) – Brief reports (p.15) - Open science (fun training) (p.15) - NEWS  IN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION (p.16): Data paper (use) (p.16) - Higher education and research (statistics) (p.16)

Biblionews 137
21 may 2024 (special issue) Donations of books from  Jean-Marc Lardeaux to  Geoazur library :   list of books (p.1-18
Biblionews 136
05 june 2024 2024 user's guide for newcomers (p1) - Nice Mont-Gros library reading room : booking conditions and terms (p.1) - Journal package and databases : news (p.2) - New titles (p.2) Earth science (p.2) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.5) – Math. / Physics (p.7) - General / History of Science (p. 9) - Guides & tools (p.12)  : Research data 2024 guide (p.12) - HAL & ANR project (p.12) - Master 2 theses (deposit) - Open science 2024 guide - Access to french theses online- News in STI (p.14)  : Bibliometric analysis by HCERES  - Elsevier new agreement 2024-2027
Biblionews 135
25 march 2024 (special issue) Donations of books from Jean-François Stéphan to Geoazur library :   list of books (p.1-22

Biblionews 134


08 february 2024 (special issue) Donations of books by Nicholas Radulesco to Nice Mont-Gros librarymessage of thanks + list of books (p.1

Biblionews 133


19 december 2023

The minutes of the Library committee meeting of November 7, 2023 (p.1) – New titles (p.2) :  Earth science (p.2) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.3) – Math. / Physics (p.5) - General / History of Science (p. 5) – Guides & tools (p.7) : Bibliography of his work : how to save time  (p.7) – Licences creative commons (guide) (p.8) – CNRS data management plan (p.8) – Interactive Publication (p.8) – SciX digital library (p.9) -  Usefull links (p. 9) : Higher Education Libraries (projects and resources) (p.9) – CNRS evaluation report by HCERES  (p.10) – Scientific and technical information news (p. 10) : Open science (p.10) – ArXiv et bioRxiv open archives (p.10) The corner for book lovers (p.11) 

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23 october 2023

The Nice Mont-Gros library : operating mode during the renovation project (2nd step) (p.1) – New titles (p.2 ) : Earth Science (p.1 ) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.3) – Math. / Physics (p.4) - General / Science (p. 8) – Guides & tools : Open science (p.10 ) : Bibliothèque de la science ouverte – MOOC Science ouverte – Différence entre accès gratuit et open access – Comment préserver les droits d’auteur sur mes travaux de recherche – Données et recherches participatives : recommandations Useful links (p. 12) : Scientific travel stories - Scientific and technical information news (p. 13) : Scientific heritage (safeguarding & distribution) - University libraries (roles)

Biblionews 131


24 august 2023 (special issue) Donations of books by Claude Rangin to Geoazur Library  :  message of thanks + list of books (p.1
Biblionews 130
29 june 2023 The Nice Mont-Gros library  : operating mode during the renovation project  (1st step) (p.1) – 2024 Subscriptions : Your needs  ? (p.1) – New titles (p.3) : Earth science (p.4) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.5 ) – Math. / Physics (p.6) - General / Science (p.9) – Guides and tools (p.10) : HAL (deposit) – Recherche Data Gouv (deposit) - Science ouverte (guide for directors) – Sherpa Roméo (guide) Useful links (p.11) : the State of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in France (2023 report) – ROR Identifier (research organization registry) - Scientific and technical information news (p.12) : Collaboration between EDP Science & ESO (A&A) – Publication fee – GIS Collex-Persée
Biblionews 129 (special issue)
21 june 2023 (special issue)
Donation of Books by Daniel Benest family to OCA library (Nice Mont-Gros)  : message of thanks + list of books (p.1
Biblionews 128
Biblionews128 GB
28 march 2023 OCA - Scientific publications : 2022 year in review (p.1) – New titles in OCA Libraries (p.5) :  Earth science (p.5)  -– Math. / Physics (p.8) – History of Science (p.10) – Guides and Tools (p.12) : Data Management Plan Step by Step  (p.12) –  Open Science in Earth and Universe Sciences : Recommendations and Resources (p.13) – Scientific and technical information news  (p.14) :  Open science: evolution 2013-2023 (p.14)  -  Open science : development projects (p.15)

Biblionews 127

BIBLIONEWS127 titre2022 GB


02 december 2022 NEW BORROWING RULES FROM JANUARY 2023 (p.1) – NEW TITLES IN OCA LIBRARIES (p.3) : Earth sciences (p.3) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.5 ) – Math. / Physics (p.6) – General / Science (p.9) – GUIDE / TOOLS (p.10) : Publications and data sharing (p.10) – Personal digital monitoring (p.11) – USEFUL LINKS (p.11)  : About safeguarding heritage collections (p.11) – Evolution of document typology in HAL (p.11) – SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION NEWS (p.12)  : Using of digital researcher identifiers in France : a new survey (p.12) 

Biblionews 126


03 october 2022 Our alerting services to help you (p.1)Focus : scientific publishers : our selection of links (p.1) – At your disposal in the Geoazur libray  : relief maps in the entrance hall (p.2) - NEW TITLES IN OCA LIBRARIES (p.3) : Earth science (p.3) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.6 ) – Math. / Physics (p.11) - General / Science (p.12) – BibCNRS news : Taylor & Francis plateform : free trial (p.13) - Guides / Tools (p.13) : Scientific publisher and copyright (p.13) – Scientific integrity and doctoral student : practical sheet (p.14) - Scientific and technical information news  (p.15 ) : Higher education and research in PACA : report (p.15) – HALiance project (p.15)

Biblionews 125


04 may 2022 The renovation of the Nice Mont-Gros library : 2nd stage (p.1) – CAIRN Sciences ebooks (p.1) – New titles in OCA libraries (p.3) : Earth science (p.3) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.9 ) – Math. / Physics (p.13) - General / Science (p.15) – Pratical sheets / Tools (p.16) : AD HAL ASTRA (p.16) – French Research Infrastructures (guide) (p.16) – Data sharing (p.17) – Scientific publications and free access (p.17) - Scientific and technical information news  (p.18 ) : CNRS and scientific publications (p.18) – BU and digital revolution (p.18)

Biblionews 124

Biblionews124 2022 GB TITRE

19 january 2022 2022 priority project : the renovation of the Nice Mont-Gros library reading room (p.1) – New titles in OCA libraries (p.2 ) : Earth science (p.2) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.9 ) – Math. / Physics (p.10) - General / Science (p.14) – Useful links (p.15) : Collex-Persée : 2021 evaluation (p.15 ) ; Phd student in France : 2021 satisfaction survey (p.15 ) - Practical sheets / Tools (p.16) : Preventive conservation of collections (p. 16) – The peer review process (p.16 ) – Free access to articles (p.17) – Free access to administrative documents (p.17) – The search engine ScanR (p.18) – Scientific and technical information news : About science and society (p.18 ) 

Biblionews 123


26 october 2021 2021-2022 academic year : new tool for the master's student (MAUCA and 3G) : access to OCA libraries (p.1) - New titles in OCA libraries (p.2 ) :  Earth sciences (p.2)  - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.3 ) – Math. / Physics (p.5) - General / Science (p.8 ) – Useful links   : New digital libraries : Ecole des ponts et chaussées (p.8) ; Sorbonne université (p.9)  - Research and GDPR (p.9) – Statistics High education and Research in France (p.10) -  Scientific and technical information news : Seismology : new journal   (p.10)

Biblionews 122


26 july 2021 The second national plan for open science 2021-2024 (p.1) 10 free journals of the Royal society of London  on bibCNRS portal until 31 dec. 2021 (p.1) New titles in OCA libaries (p.2 ) : Earth sciences (p.2) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.4
) Math. / Physics (p.7) - General / Science (p.9 ) Useful links : Review of the first national plan for open science 2018-2021 (p.  9) ; IRD and open science : 2021-2022 roadmap (p.10) SWHID (p.10) - Scientific and technical information news : Strategies of library cooperation networks in Europe (p. 11) - Opening of the ORCID France portal (p.11) - New leaflets in the OCA libraries (p.12) 

Biblionews 121


19 may 2021 Book donations : message of thanks (p.1) New purchases (p.16) : Earth science(p.16) -Math./ Physics(p.19)-Astronomy / Astrophysics(p.18) General/ Science (p.19) Useful links (p.20) : UCA digital library plateforms ; The Scientific press on Gallica ; The new portal "licences" - Scientific and technical information news (p.22) : Science with and for society : reports and measures resulting from the 2021-2030 research programming law Primary focus (p.23) : user guide for newcomers 2021

Biblionews 120

Biblionews120 2021 GB TITRE

30 april 2021 2021: The Nice Mont-Gros library celebrates the arrival of the  10,000th book  - New : a collection of popular science books (p.1) BibCNRS New discovery campain : Springer ebook collection (p.1) Help accessing your favorite online journals (p.2) New titles in OCA libraries(p.3) : Earth science(p.3) -Math./ Physics(p.6) - Astronomy/ Astrophysics(p.8) General/ Science (p.12) Useful links(p.14) : Horizon 2020 : guide Languages(training) : directory of resources Publication :guide Scientific and technical information news (p.15).

Biblionews 119

Biblionews119 2021 GB TITRE

27 january 2021

2021 : times are changing, the libraries too !  (p.1) - Help using 2021 library resources and services (p.2) – New titles in OCA libraries (p.3) : Earth science (p.3) - Math./ Physics(p.7) - Astronomy/ Astrophysics(p.9)  – General/ Science (p.11) – Useful links (p.13) : PSL Explore (p.13)- A la découverte de l’Univers (p.13) – zbMATH (p.14) – Science ouverte : où en sommes-nous? (p.14) – EBSCO Open dissertation (p.15)

Biblionews 118 27 november 2020

To see on BibCNRS portal (p.1-3) : New resources : IOP science extra + JSTOR collections Arts & science - 4 Resources with free trial periods -- New titles in the OCA libraries november 2020 (p.3-17)  - Selected links (p.18-21) :  Cartes en bibliothèque : nouveaux usages, nouveaux territoires (ABES) ; De l'ombre à la lumière : la valorisation des collections patrimoniales en bibliothèque (ABES) ;  La numérisation des thèses de doctorat françaises : état des lieux (ABES)  ;  Plan données de la recherche (CNRS) ; HAL : une gouvernance partagée (Comité pour la science ouverte) ; Construire une offre de services et de support pour les données de la recherche : l'exemple de l'Université de Lorraine (Thomas Jouneau) ; Une nouvelle offre de service autour de la bibliométrie à l'Univ. de Lorraine (Univ. de Lorraine) ;  Ethique de la recherche (Univ. de Lyon) - To note (p.22) : : Je publie quels sont mes droits ? (Comité pour la science ouverte)

Biblionews 117 8 october 2020 To see : Nice Mont-Gros Library exhibition : The book of the month n.4 : Detailed geometric description of the French Alps / Paul Helbronner (1910-1939) (cote A002339) (p.1) - New titles in the OCA libraries (p.3) - Selected links (p.14) : New interface to BibCNRS portal ; Training for professionals in scientific and technical information on research data ; Data management plan review guide - model of the French national research agency  ;  Passport to open science : practical guide for Phd students 2020  -  To note (p.15) : Universal dictionary of women creators ; Directory of Geosciences training in France
Biblionews 116 24 march 2020

The OCA libraries are closed but not our tools and services  : try the following suggestions  (p.1) -- To see : Nice Mont-Gros Library exhibition : The books of the month n.3 : Mission scientifique au Cap Horn / Louis Ferdinand Martial (1884-1891) (cote A000573A à G) - New titles in the OCA libraries, march 2020 (p.4)  Selected links (p.18) : Minerva (Institut de France) ; Research data : management (training and survey) ; Smithonian Open Access ;  BNF resources - To note  (p. 21) :   Hal tools (ExtrHAL ; OverHAL) ; Carnet des sciences (free access during the containment)

Biblionews 115 19 december 2019 Report of the library committee, dec. 03 2019 (p.2) - New titles in the OCA libraries, dec. 2019  (p.2-15). -  Selected links : Open science ; RDA and scientific integrity  (p.16) - To note  : Elsevier agreement 2019-2022 - Hal and CRAC, the annual report of the CNRS researchers (p.17)
Biblionews 114 28 october 2019 To see : Nice Mont-Gros Library exhibition : The books of the month n.2 : Destination moon (p.1) : Selenographia / Hevelius (1647-1654) (cote A840) + Theoria motus lunare / L. Euler (1753 + 1772) (cote A880 et A579) + Novea tabulae lunares (cote A601) + Atlas photographique de la lune / Loewy & Puiseux (1896-1910) (cote A2338) - New titles in the OCA libraries, october 2019  (p.3-15). -  Selected links  (p.15-17) - To note (p.17)
Biblionews 113 02 july 2019 To see : Nice Mont-Gros Library exhibition : The book of the month n.1 : The three-hundred meter tower  / Gustave Eiffel (p.1-2). - New titles in the OCA libraries, july 2019  (p.3-9). -  Selected links  (p.9-11) : 1. Agreement between Openedition and CNRS édition (p.9). -  2. Phd student Guides  (p.10). - 3. Open Science (p.10) . -  Statistics  / HCERES  (p.11)
Biblionews 112 11 april 2019 BibCNRS (resource on trial) (p.1) -  New titles in the OCA libraries (p.2) -  Useful links (p.12) : 1. Open Archives : BRGM (Open archives to geological maps of France) ; CCSD (HAL-DUMAS ; HAL-HCERES ; HAL-LARA, Open access to scientific and technical reports) - 2. Database (POP) - 3. Guides (p.13)  - Digital library : 1. External collections (p.14 ) : Natural risks : prevention plan (methodological guides) - 2. OCA Digital library ( p. 15) : The Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory : fifty years of scientific work / Lejay, Pierre (1929?) - 2. New online form : Scanning document
Biblionews  111 04 february 2019 New books in the OCA libraries, february 2019  - To see : Nice Mont-Gros Library exhibition on Old books (17 dec. 2018)  - Selected links  : PANIST + Doctoral students : information science training course - OCA Digital library (list of 2018 digitalization) - Library committee report 14 nov. 2018
Biblionews 110 08 novembre 2018 New books in the OCA libraries, november 2018 - BibCNRS portal : new resources on trial - OCA libraries : New titles - Selected links - Digital library (external resources)
Biblionews 109 01 august 2018 New books in the OCA libraries, august 2018 - Selected links - Digital library (external resources)
Biblionews 108 08 march 2018 New books in the OCA libraries, march 2018 -  BibCNRS  portal (access to Nature astronomy + Nature ecology and evolution + BibCNRS extension for Chrome) - National licences (Corpus EDP Science) - OCA libraries : new titles - Useful links -  OCA libraries : 2018 online forms
Biblionews 107 21 december 2017 New books in the OCA libraries, december 2017 - Selected links
Biblionews 106 30 november 2017 New books in the OCA libraries, november 2017 - Library Committee : report Nov. 14, 2017 - OCA libraries : new titles - Selected links
Biblionews 105 16 october 2017

New books in the OCA libraries, october 2017 - About book donations  -  National licenses : 305 e-books from Geological society publishing (Special publications + Lyell collection) (1964-2008) -  Digitalization and OCR of n. 1 (1926) to n. 69 (1931) of Bulletin de l'Obs. de Nice (complete collection)  - New tools : IdRef  + dataESR  .. - Selected links -  Book donations in Eath science  by  Mr Guust Nolet

Biblionews 104 20 june 2017 New books in the OCA libraries, june 2017 -  BibCNRS portal : User's guides - Tutorials : Bibliometrics + Copyright  + Scientific and technical information + Data management plan - Information science : news -- Selected links
Biblionews 103 30 march 2017 New books in the OCA libraries, march 2017 - BibCNRS portal :  Access to the Springer Physics and Astronomy collection 2016 - Tutorials : Dissemin + DoraNum - Selected links
Biblionews 102 06 february 2017 New books in the OCA libraries, february 2017 -  BibCNRS portal  : access to Science (AAAS) --  OCA libraries : new titles  - Tutorials : Patents of invention +  Author's rights +  HAL + Data managment plan  - Selected links  : student master degree (guide) - The numerical law (french law) + Academic social networks and open archives
Biblionews 101 21 october 2016 New books in the OCA libraries, october 2016 - Digitalization and OCR of n. 18 (1981) to n. 37 (2003) of Bulletin de l'ADION
Biblionews 100 15 june 2016

New books in the OCA libraries, june 2016 - Digitalization and OCR of n. 6 (1968) to n. 17 (1980) of Bulletin de l'ADION

Biblionews 99

23 march 2016 New books in the OCA libraries, march 2016 - Digitalization and OCR of n. 4 (1967) and n.5 (1968) of Bulletin de l'ADION
Biblionews 98 08 january 2016 New books in the OCA libraries, january 2016 - Access to our resources via SUDOC and WorldCat catalogs / Digitalization and OCR of n. 2 (1965) and n.3 (1966) of Bulletin de l'ADION
Biblionews 97 03 November 2015 New books in the OCA libraries, november 2015 - Access to our resources via the SCD catalog of University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
Biblionews 96 07 August 2015 New books in the OCA libraries, august 2015 - Bulletin de l'ADION : Digitalization and OCR of n. 1 (1964)
Biblionews 95 20 May 2015 New books in the OCA libraries, may  2015 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 11
Biblionews 94 20 february 2015 New books in the OCA libraries, february  2015 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 14
Biblionews 93 30 october 2014 New books in the OCA libraries, october 2014 - Library user guide 2014-2015 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 12 and 13 part. 1 - BiblioST2I : SAFARI Books online : 150 titles in computer science, engineering and math.
Biblionews 92 05 August 2014 New books in the OCA libraries, august 2014 - New electronic resources via National licence agreement : OUP and IOP
Biblionews 91 08 april 2014 New books in the OCA libraries, april 2014 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 10
Biblionews 90 24 january 2014 New books in the OCA libraries, january 2014 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 9 / New titles on Library portals : 1. Biblioplanets : Astrophys. Journal ; Nature climate change ; Special pub. of the GSL . Géologie. - 2. BiblioST2I : Coll. Computer and communication sciences . - 3. ISTEX : Archives Elsevier and Nature
Biblionews 89 20 November 2013 New books in the OCA libraries,  november 2013 - Library Committee Report, October 31, 2013
Biblionews 88 11 October 2013 New books in the OCA libraries,  october 2013 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 8
Biblionews 87 09 August 2013 New books in the OCA libraries,  august 2013  - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 7 - Biblioplanets portal : 3 new titles : MNRAS, MNRAS Letters and GJI
Biblionews 86 30 may 2013 New books in the OCA libraries,  may 2013  - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 6 - Biblioplanets portal : 2013 list of new titles
Biblionews 85 28 february 2013 New books in the OCA libraries,  february 2013 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 5
Biblionews 84 11 december 2012 New books in the OCA libraries,  december 2012 - Book orders (From now, requests for book purchase will be reviewed continuously from January to December) - Library Committee Report, October 30, 2012 - Biblioplanets portal : 2013 subscriptions
Biblionews 83 24 october 2012 New books in the OCA libraries, october 2012  - The new Geoazur library - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 4 . - Book purchase : until nov. 21 to submit your suggestions
Biblionews 82 01 August 2012 New books in the OCA libraries, august 2012  - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 3 . - Journal citation report : new edition 2011
Biblionews 81 25 april 2012 New books in the OCA libraries, april 2012  - OCA library : user guide - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 2
Biblionews 80 07 february 2012 New books in the OCA libraries, february 2012 - Virtual catalog : historical collection of Nice obs. - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 1
Biblionews 79 07 november 2011 New books in the OCA libraries,  november  2011 - Library Committee Report, October 11, 2011 - Book purchase : only a few days left to submit your suggestions
Biblionews 78 17 june 2011 New books in the OCA libraries, june  2011 - 2011 inventory of the OCA librarie's books - Biblioplanet portal : new password - OCA libraries catalog : new features
Biblionews 77 22 april 2011 New books in the OCA libraries, april  2011 - Free Trial for Electronic Resources on Biblioplanets portal ( 29 March - 31 May, 2011)  - OCA password is required to access to restricted Library pages

Biblionews 76

02 february 2011 New books in the OCA libraries, february 2011 - New OCA library homepage - About 2011 book suggestions (new rules)
Biblionews 75 03 december 2010 New books in the OCA libraries, december 2010 - Library Committee Report, November 16, 2010
Biblionews 74 08 november 2010 New books in the OCA libraries, november 2010  - Library Committee (Announcement : Meeting Nov. 16, 2010) - 2010 book orders (End of commitments) - Selected Links : Archives Open Until Nov. 30 (Royal Society Reviews 1665- 2010) 
Biblionews 73 23 september 2010 New books in the OCA libraries, september 2010 - SCD-UNS : News about 2011 journal subscriptions (JFM, Physics Uspekhi, IOP Archives, JSTOR Math and Statistics) - OCA : 2011 Journal subscriptions : your expectations ? - Selected links : 1. Archives and manuscripts (standards) (DeMarch, Description of modern and contemporary manuscripts and archives / AFNOR). - 2. PhD students and library  (Researchers of tomorrow). - 3. History of Astronomy (Heritage sites of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy / UNESCO) -4. E-books (search engine) ( ; SciVerse) - SCD-UNS  : new subscriptions in 2011 / OCA libraries - Subscriptions 2011 : your wishes and suggestions
Biblionews 72 28 may 2010 New books in the OCA libraries, may 2010 - Biblioplanets : free trial resources (evaluation form) - Selected  links  : 1. Biographies (The 1st century of the Institut de France, 1895 / BNF, Dictionary of contemporary French and foreign biography / A. Bitard ) - 2. Digital Library (Centrale Lyon Digital Library). -3. Conference (LISA VI). - 4. Old books digitised  (Astronomiae institutatae mechanica / Tycho Brahé ;  The Comets Theory / The Monnier ;  Le Livre des merveilles  / Marco Polo). - 5. Statistics (2009 institutional arXiv usage data) 
Biblionews 71 15 march 2010 New books in the OCA libraries, march 2010Biblioplanets - e-book collections
Biblionews 70 19 january 2010 New books in the OCA libraries, january 2010 - New Library Committee member (Fizeau laboratory)
Biblionews 69 24 november 2009 New books in the OCA libraries, november 2009 - Library Committee Report , October 21, 2009
Biblionews 68 22 october 2009 New books in the OCA libraries, october 2009 - 2009 orders (end of commitments) - New on Biblioplanets portal : SCOPUS (free trial) ; IOP archive (change of password) 
Biblionews 67 16 june 2009 New books in the OCA libraries, june 2009GeoAzur book collection can be searched on the OCA library catalogue
Biblionews 66 18 march 2009 New books in the OCA libraries, march 2009 - Quick library guide for new users
Biblionews 65 08 december 2008 New books in the OCA libraries,  december 2008 - Library Committee Report , October 16, 2008
Biblionews 64 07 july 2008 New books in the OCA libraries, july 2008  New Loan policies - New president for the Library committee
Biblionews 63 07 april 2008 New books in the OCA libraries, april 2008 
Biblionews 62 08 february 2008 New books in the OCA libraries, february 2008  - Only one email address for the OCA libraries
Biblionews 61 27 november 2007 New books in the OCA libraries, november 2007 
Biblionews 60 13 september 2007 New books in the OCA libraries, september 2007 
Biblionews 59 12 june 2007 New books in the OCA libraries, june 2007
Biblionews 58 27 february 2007 New books in the OCA libraries, february 2007 
Biblionews 57 13 november 2006 New books in the OCA libraries, november 2006  - Library Committee Report , October 04, 2006
Biblionews 56 24 april 2006 New books in the OCA libraries, april 2006 -  OCA library : New OPAC (online public access catalog)
Biblionews 55 30 november 2005 New books in the OCA libraries, november 2005 - Library Committee Report , November 17, 2005
Biblionews 54 13 may 2005 New books in the OCA libraries, may 2005
Biblionews 53 07 february 2005 New books in the OCA libraries, february 2005
Biblionews 52 27 october 2004 New books in the OCA libraries, october 2004  
Biblionews 51 07 june 2004 New books in the OCA libraries, june 2004 
Biblionews 50 01 april 2004 New books in the OCA libraries, april 2004
Biblionews 49 05 february 2004 New books in the OCA libraries, february 2004
Biblionews 48 03 december 2003 New books in the OCA libraries, december 2003 - New OCA library portal
Biblionews 47 03 october 2003 New books in the OCA libraries, october 2003
Biblionews 46 29 july 2003 New books in the OCA libraries, july 2003
Biblionews 45 15 may 2003 New books in the OCA libraries, may 2003  
Biblionews 44 19 march 2003 New books in the OCA libraries, march 2003 
Biblionews 43 17 january 2003 New books in the OCA libraries, january 2003
Biblionews 42 12 november 2002 New books in the OCA libraries, november  2002 - Library Committee Report, Nov. 04, 2002
Biblionews 41 11 september 2002 New books in the OCA libraries, september  2002
Biblionews 40 04 june 2002 New books in the OCA libraries, june 2002 - OCA Library portal available in English
Biblionews 39 06 may 2002 New books in the OCA libraries, may 2002
Biblionews 38 20 march 2002 New books in the OCA libraries, march 2002  - Resources in Astronomy : a list of Astronomical resource sites arranged by topic
Biblionews 37 08 january 2002 New books in the OCA libraries, january 2002 - Library Committee Report , October 24, 2001- Resources in Physics : a list of physical resource sites arranged by topic - Periodical catalog available in printed form (Nice library )
Biblionews 36 19 november 2001 New books in the OCA libraries, november 2001
Biblionews 35 21 october 2001 New books in the OCA libraries, october 2001 - Online catalogue of OCA Library's periodicals
Biblionews 34 18 september 2001 New books in the OCA libraries, september 2001  - About book orders
Biblionews 33 25 july 2001  New books in the OCA libraries, july 2001 
Biblionews 32 18 june 2001 New books in the OCA libraries, june 2001 
Biblionews 31 11 may 2001 New books in the OCA libraries, may 2001
Biblionews 30 10 april 2001 New books in the OCA libraries,april  2001 - New furniture in the Reading Room (Nice library) + Online Book Suggestion Form
Biblionews 29  21 march 2001 New books in the OCA libraries,march 2001 - Library Committee Report, March 02, 2001
Biblionews 28  09 february 2001 New books in the OCA libraries,february 2001
Biblionews 27 13 december 2000 New books in the OCA libraries, december 2000 -  Journal subscriptions 2001 . New page on OCA library portal : Library Committee report
Biblionews 26  28 october 2000 New books in the OCA libraries, october 2000 
Biblionews 25 18 september 2000 New books in the OCA libraries, september 2000 (suppl. n.24) 
Biblionews 24  18 september 2000 New books in the OCA libraries, september 2000
Biblionews 23  28 july 2000 New books in the OCA libraries, july 2000
Biblionews 22   03 july 2000 New books in the OCA libraries, july 2000
Biblionews 21  22 april 2000 New books in the OCA libraries, april 2000 -  Library Committee Report, May 16, 2000
Biblionews 20  14 april 2000 New books in the OCA libraries, april 2000
Biblionews 19  22 march 2000 New books in the OCA libraries, march 2000 
Biblionews 18  31 january 2000 New books in the OCA libraries, january 2000
Biblionews 17  17 december 1999 New books in the OCA libraries, december 1999
Biblionews 16  17 november 1999 New books in the OCA libraries, november 1999 -   2000 subscriptions 
Biblionews 15  20 october 1999 New books in the OCA libraries, october 1999 -  New section on OCA library portal  : The latest issues of the week
Biblionews 14  09 september 1999 New books in the OCA libraries, september 1999
Biblionews 13  25 june 1999 New books in the OCA libraries, june 1999
Biblionews 12 20 april 1999 New books in the OCA libraries, april 1999
Biblionews 11 17 february 1999 New books in the OCA libraries, february 1999 - Online subscription (Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A)
Biblionews 10 15 january 1999 New books in the OCA libraries, january 1999 -  1999 subscriptions (Nice - Grasse - Calern)  - The state of 1998 orders
Biblionews 9 01 december 1998 New books in the OCA libraries, december 1998
Biblionews 8 09 september 1998 New books in the OCA libraries, september 1998  - Loan : new rules (borrowing materials with form in the book) - Electronic subscription (A & A abstract)
Biblionews 7 19 february 1998 New books in the OCA libraries, february 1998  - New OCA library portal - 1998 online subscriptions  (Nice / Grasse/Calern)  -  The state of 1997 orders
Biblionews 6 17 december 1997 New books in the OCA libraries, december 1997
Biblionews 5 12 november 1997 New books in the OCA libraries, november 1997 - Useful links  : ArXiv (mirror site)
Biblionews 4 31 august 1997 New books in the OCA libraries, august 1997
Biblionews 3 22 may 1997 New books in the library, may 1997
Biblionews 2 24 april 1997 New books in the library, april 1997
Biblionews 1 28 march 1997 New books in the library, march 1997 - The  state of 1996 orders
Nouveautés à la bibliothèques  7 11 february 1997 New books in the library, february 1997. - Current periodical subscriptions (1997)
Nouveautés à la bibliothèques 6 19 décember 1996 New books in the library, december 1996
Nouveautés à la bibliothèque 5 6 november 1996  New books in the library, november 1996
Nouveautés à la bibliothèque 4 15 september 1996 New books in the library, september 1996
Nouveautés à la bibliothèques 3 31 july 1996
New books in the library, july 1996
Nouveautés à la bibliothèque  2 30 june 1996
New books in the library, june 1996
Nouveautés à la bibliothèques 1 31 may 1996 New books in the library, may 1996

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