Biblionews is the OCA libraries' newsletter. It's automatically distributed by e-mail to the staff of the institution.
In this newsletter you will find information about :
- titles that have recently been added to our collection ;
- library development and services ;
- tools and information resources available online ;
- table of contents in french and english
Click below to read a current or archived issue in PDF format
Current year (restricted access by OCA IP address)
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n° 139 - January 2025 |
n°. 140 - March 2025 |
Biblionews archives and table of contents
Issue |
Publication date
News at One |
Biblionews 140 |
march 2025 (special issue) | Donation of books from Farrokh Vakili (p.2) - New titles in the OCA libraries (p.9) : Earth sciences (p.9) - Astronomy & Astrophysics (p.10) - Math. / Physics (p.11) - Sciences, General p.14 - Guides & tools p.16) : ROR (p.16) - DORANUM interactive flowcharts (p.16) - uMap (p.17) - News in Scientific and technical informations (p.17) : Mercury magazine (p.17) - AI & publications (p.17) - Lumen project (p.18) - Open science 2024 (p.18) - SorbonNum+ (p.19) |
Biblionews 139 |
january 2025 | BIB CNRS 2025 : new portal (p.1) - New titles (books and maps) p.4 : Earth sciences (p.4) - Astronomy & Astrophysics (p.7) - Math. / Physics (p.10) - Sciences, General p.14 - 2025 journal subscriptions (p.17) : CUP agreement - New subscriptions - Subscriptions deleted - Guides and Tools on Scientific integrity (p. 17) : Practical sheets - RedacTek (extension) - News in Scientific and Technical Information (p.19) : Corpus CoESciTer - Scientific publishers |
Biblionews 138 |
28 october 2024 |
INVENTORY 2024 (p.1) - BIBNUM-OCA : presentation (p.1) - NICE MONT-GROS LIBRARY: NEWS - The exhibition of the month (p.3) - Free little library (p.3) - New equipment (p.4) - NEW TITLES IN OCA LIBRARIES (p.5) - NEW FEATURES ON THE BIBCNRS PORTAL : Click and Read version 3.19.6 (p.11) - List of available resources (INSU and INSIS) (p.12) - GUIDES AND TOOLS : APC (p.14) - Research data management (p.14) – Brief reports (p.15) - Open science (fun training) (p.15) - NEWS IN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION (p.16): Data paper (use) (p.16) - Higher education and research (statistics) (p.16) |
Biblionews 137![]() |
21 may 2024 (special issue) | Donations of books from Jean-Marc Lardeaux to Geoazur library : list of books (p.1-18) |
Biblionews 136![]() |
05 june 2024 | 2024 user's guide for newcomers (p1) - Nice Mont-Gros library reading room : booking conditions and terms (p.1) - Journal package and databases : news (p.2) - New titles (p.2) Earth science (p.2) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.5) – Math. / Physics (p.7) - General / History of Science (p. 9) - Guides & tools (p.12) : Research data 2024 guide (p.12) - HAL & ANR project (p.12) - Master 2 theses (deposit) - Open science 2024 guide - Access to french theses online- News in STI (p.14) : Bibliometric analysis by HCERES - Elsevier new agreement 2024-2027 |
Biblionews 135![]() |
25 march 2024 (special issue) | Donations of books from Jean-François Stéphan to Geoazur library : list of books (p.1-22) |
Biblionews 134 |
08 february 2024 (special issue) | Donations of books by Nicholas Radulesco to Nice Mont-Gros library : message of thanks + list of books (p.1) |
Biblionews 133 |
19 december 2023 |
The minutes of the Library committee meeting of November 7, 2023 (p.1) – New titles (p.2) : Earth science (p.2) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.3) – Math. / Physics (p.5) - General / History of Science (p. 5) – Guides & tools (p.7) : Bibliography of his work : how to save time (p.7) – Licences creative commons (guide) (p.8) – CNRS data management plan (p.8) – Interactive Publication (p.8) – SciX digital library (p.9) - Usefull links (p. 9) : Higher Education Libraries (projects and resources) (p.9) – CNRS evaluation report by HCERES (p.10) – Scientific and technical information news (p. 10) : Open science (p.10) – ArXiv et bioRxiv open archives (p.10) – The corner for book lovers (p.11) |
Biblionews 132![]() |
23 october 2023 |
The Nice Mont-Gros library : operating mode during the renovation project (2nd step) (p.1) – New titles (p.2 ) : Earth Science (p.1 ) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.3) – Math. / Physics (p.4) - General / Science (p. 8) – Guides & tools : Open science (p.10 ) : Bibliothèque de la science ouverte – MOOC Science ouverte – Différence entre accès gratuit et open access – Comment préserver les droits d’auteur sur mes travaux de recherche – Données et recherches participatives : recommandations – Useful links (p. 12) : Scientific travel stories - Scientific and technical information news (p. 13) : Scientific heritage (safeguarding & distribution) - University libraries (roles) |
Biblionews 131 |
24 august 2023 (special issue) | Donations of books by Claude Rangin to Geoazur Library : message of thanks + list of books (p.1) |
Biblionews 130![]() |
29 june 2023 | The Nice Mont-Gros library : operating mode during the renovation project (1st step) (p.1) – 2024 Subscriptions : Your needs ? (p.1) – New titles (p.3) : Earth science (p.4) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.5 ) – Math. / Physics (p.6) - General / Science (p.9) – Guides and tools (p.10) : HAL (deposit) – Recherche Data Gouv (deposit) - Science ouverte (guide for directors) – Sherpa Roméo (guide) – Useful links (p.11) : the State of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in France (2023 report) – ROR Identifier (research organization registry) - Scientific and technical information news (p.12) : Collaboration between EDP Science & ESO (A&A) – Publication fee – GIS Collex-Persée |
Biblionews 129 (special issue)![]() |
21 june 2023 (special issue) |
Donation of Books by Daniel Benest family to OCA library (Nice Mont-Gros) : message of thanks + list of books (p.1) |
Biblionews 128![]() |
28 march 2023 | OCA - Scientific publications : 2022 year in review (p.1) – New titles in OCA Libraries (p.5) : Earth science (p.5) -– Math. / Physics (p.8) – History of Science (p.10) – Guides and Tools (p.12) : Data Management Plan Step by Step (p.12) – Open Science in Earth and Universe Sciences : Recommendations and Resources (p.13) – Scientific and technical information news (p.14) : Open science: evolution 2013-2023 (p.14) - Open science : development projects (p.15) |
Biblionews 127
02 december 2022 | NEW BORROWING RULES FROM JANUARY 2023 (p.1) – NEW TITLES IN OCA LIBRARIES (p.3) : Earth sciences (p.3) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.5 ) – Math. / Physics (p.6) – General / Science (p.9) – GUIDE / TOOLS (p.10) : Publications and data sharing (p.10) – Personal digital monitoring (p.11) – USEFUL LINKS (p.11) : About safeguarding heritage collections (p.11) – Evolution of document typology in HAL (p.11) – SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION NEWS (p.12) : Using of digital researcher identifiers in France : a new survey (p.12) |
Biblionews 126 |
03 october 2022 | Our alerting services to help you (p.1) – Focus : scientific publishers : our selection of links (p.1) – At your disposal in the Geoazur libray : relief maps in the entrance hall (p.2) - NEW TITLES IN OCA LIBRARIES (p.3) : Earth science (p.3) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.6 ) – Math. / Physics (p.11) - General / Science (p.12) – BibCNRS news : Taylor & Francis plateform : free trial (p.13) - Guides / Tools (p.13) : Scientific publisher and copyright (p.13) – Scientific integrity and doctoral student : practical sheet (p.14) - Scientific and technical information news (p.15 ) : Higher education and research in PACA : report (p.15) – HALiance project (p.15) |
Biblionews 125 |
04 may 2022 | The renovation of the Nice Mont-Gros library : 2nd stage (p.1) – CAIRN Sciences ebooks (p.1) – New titles in OCA libraries (p.3) : Earth science (p.3) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.9 ) – Math. / Physics (p.13) - General / Science (p.15) – Pratical sheets / Tools (p.16) : AD HAL ASTRA (p.16) – French Research Infrastructures (guide) (p.16) – Data sharing (p.17) – Scientific publications and free access (p.17) - Scientific and technical information news (p.18 ) : CNRS and scientific publications (p.18) – BU and digital revolution (p.18) |
Biblionews 124 |
19 january 2022 | 2022 priority project : the renovation of the Nice Mont-Gros library reading room (p.1) – New titles in OCA libraries (p.2 ) : Earth science (p.2) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.9 ) – Math. / Physics (p.10) - General / Science (p.14) – Useful links (p.15) : Collex-Persée : 2021 evaluation (p.15 ) ; Phd student in France : 2021 satisfaction survey (p.15 ) - Practical sheets / Tools (p.16) : Preventive conservation of collections (p. 16) – The peer review process (p.16 ) – Free access to articles (p.17) – Free access to administrative documents (p.17) – The search engine ScanR (p.18) – Scientific and technical information news : About science and society (p.18 ) |
Biblionews 123 |
26 october 2021 | 2021-2022 academic year : new tool for the master's student (MAUCA and 3G) : access to OCA libraries (p.1) - New titles in OCA libraries (p.2 ) : Earth sciences (p.2) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.3 ) – Math. / Physics (p.5) - General / Science (p.8 ) – Useful links : New digital libraries : Ecole des ponts et chaussées (p.8) ; Sorbonne université (p.9) - Research and GDPR (p.9) – Statistics High education and Research in France (p.10) - Scientific and technical information news : Seismology : new journal (p.10) |
Biblionews 122 |
26 july 2021 | The second national plan for open science 2021-2024 (p.1) – 10 free journals of the Royal society of London on bibCNRS portal until 31 dec. 2021 (p.1) – New titles in OCA libaries (p.2 ) : Earth sciences (p.2) - Astronomy / Astrophysics (p.4 ) – Math. / Physics (p.7) - General / Science (p.9 ) – Useful links : Review of the first national plan for open science 2018-2021 (p. 9) ; IRD and open science : 2021-2022 roadmap (p.10) – SWHID (p.10) - Scientific and technical information news : Strategies of library cooperation networks in Europe (p. 11) - Opening of the ORCID France portal (p.11) - New leaflets in the OCA libraries (p.12) |
Biblionews 121 |
19 may 2021 | Book donations : message of thanks (p.1) – New purchases (p.16) : Earth science(p.16) -Math./ Physics(p.19)-Astronomy / Astrophysics(p.18) – General/ Science (p.19) – Useful links (p.20) : UCA digital library plateforms ; The Scientific press on Gallica ; The new portal "licences" - Scientific and technical information news (p.22) : Science with and for society : reports and measures resulting from the 2021-2030 research programming law – Primary focus (p.23) : user guide for newcomers 2021 |
Biblionews 120 |
30 april 2021 | 2021: The Nice Mont-Gros library celebrates the arrival of the 10,000th book - New : a collection of popular science books (p.1) – BibCNRS – New discovery campain : Springer ebook collection (p.1) – Help accessing your favorite online journals (p.2) – New titles in OCA libraries(p.3) : Earth science(p.3) -Math./ Physics(p.6) - Astronomy/ Astrophysics(p.8) – General/ Science (p.12) – Useful links(p.14) : Horizon 2020 : guide – Languages(training) : directory of resources – Publication :guide – Scientific and technical information news (p.15). |
Biblionews 119 |
27 january 2021 |
2021 : times are changing, the libraries too ! (p.1) - Help using 2021 library resources and services (p.2) – New titles in OCA libraries (p.3) : Earth science (p.3) - Math./ Physics(p.7) - Astronomy/ Astrophysics(p.9) – General/ Science (p.11) – Useful links (p.13) : PSL Explore (p.13)- A la découverte de l’Univers (p.13) – zbMATH (p.14) – Science ouverte : où en sommes-nous? (p.14) – EBSCO Open dissertation (p.15) |
Biblionews 118 | 27 november 2020 |
To see on BibCNRS portal (p.1-3) : New resources : IOP science extra + JSTOR collections Arts & science - 4 Resources with free trial periods -- New titles in the OCA libraries november 2020 (p.3-17) - Selected links (p.18-21) : Cartes en bibliothèque : nouveaux usages, nouveaux territoires (ABES) ; De l'ombre à la lumière : la valorisation des collections patrimoniales en bibliothèque (ABES) ; La numérisation des thèses de doctorat françaises : état des lieux (ABES) ; Plan données de la recherche (CNRS) ; HAL : une gouvernance partagée (Comité pour la science ouverte) ; Construire une offre de services et de support pour les données de la recherche : l'exemple de l'Université de Lorraine (Thomas Jouneau) ; Une nouvelle offre de service autour de la bibliométrie à l'Univ. de Lorraine (Univ. de Lorraine) ; Ethique de la recherche (Univ. de Lyon) - To note (p.22) : : Je publie quels sont mes droits ? (Comité pour la science ouverte) |
Biblionews 117 | 8 october 2020 | To see : Nice Mont-Gros Library exhibition : The book of the month n.4 : Detailed geometric description of the French Alps / Paul Helbronner (1910-1939) (cote A002339) (p.1) - New titles in the OCA libraries (p.3) - Selected links (p.14) : New interface to BibCNRS portal ; Training for professionals in scientific and technical information on research data ; Data management plan review guide - model of the French national research agency ; Passport to open science : practical guide for Phd students 2020 - To note (p.15) : Universal dictionary of women creators ; Directory of Geosciences training in France |
Biblionews 116 | 24 march 2020 |
The OCA libraries are closed but not our tools and services : try the following suggestions (p.1) -- To see : Nice Mont-Gros Library exhibition : The books of the month n.3 : Mission scientifique au Cap Horn / Louis Ferdinand Martial (1884-1891) (cote A000573A à G) - New titles in the OCA libraries, march 2020 (p.4) Selected links (p.18) : Minerva (Institut de France) ; Research data : management (training and survey) ; Smithonian Open Access ; BNF resources - To note (p. 21) : Hal tools (ExtrHAL ; OverHAL) ; Carnet des sciences (free access during the containment) |
Biblionews 115 | 19 december 2019 | Report of the library committee, dec. 03 2019 (p.2) - New titles in the OCA libraries, dec. 2019 (p.2-15). - Selected links : Open science ; RDA and scientific integrity (p.16) - To note : Elsevier agreement 2019-2022 - Hal and CRAC, the annual report of the CNRS researchers (p.17) |
Biblionews 114 | 28 october 2019 | To see : Nice Mont-Gros Library exhibition : The books of the month n.2 : Destination moon (p.1) : Selenographia / Hevelius (1647-1654) (cote A840) + Theoria motus lunare / L. Euler (1753 + 1772) (cote A880 et A579) + Novea tabulae lunares (cote A601) + Atlas photographique de la lune / Loewy & Puiseux (1896-1910) (cote A2338) - New titles in the OCA libraries, october 2019 (p.3-15). - Selected links (p.15-17) - To note (p.17) |
Biblionews 113 | 02 july 2019 | To see : Nice Mont-Gros Library exhibition : The book of the month n.1 : The three-hundred meter tower / Gustave Eiffel (p.1-2). - New titles in the OCA libraries, july 2019 (p.3-9). - Selected links (p.9-11) : 1. Agreement between Openedition and CNRS édition (p.9). - 2. Phd student Guides (p.10). - 3. Open Science (p.10) . - Statistics / HCERES (p.11) |
Biblionews 112 | 11 april 2019 | BibCNRS (resource on trial) (p.1) - New titles in the OCA libraries (p.2) - Useful links (p.12) : 1. Open Archives : BRGM (Open archives to geological maps of France) ; CCSD (HAL-DUMAS ; HAL-HCERES ; HAL-LARA, Open access to scientific and technical reports) - 2. Database (POP) - 3. Guides (p.13) - Digital library : 1. External collections (p.14 ) : Natural risks : prevention plan (methodological guides) - 2. OCA Digital library ( p. 15) : The Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory : fifty years of scientific work / Lejay, Pierre (1929?) - 2. New online form : Scanning document |
Biblionews 111 | 04 february 2019 | New books in the OCA libraries, february 2019 - To see : Nice Mont-Gros Library exhibition on Old books (17 dec. 2018) - Selected links : PANIST + Doctoral students : information science training course - OCA Digital library (list of 2018 digitalization) - Library committee report 14 nov. 2018 |
Biblionews 110 | 08 novembre 2018 | New books in the OCA libraries, november 2018 - BibCNRS portal : new resources on trial - OCA libraries : New titles - Selected links - Digital library (external resources) |
Biblionews 109 | 01 august 2018 | New books in the OCA libraries, august 2018 - Selected links - Digital library (external resources) |
Biblionews 108 | 08 march 2018 | New books in the OCA libraries, march 2018 - BibCNRS portal (access to Nature astronomy + Nature ecology and evolution + BibCNRS extension for Chrome) - National licences (Corpus EDP Science) - OCA libraries : new titles - Useful links - OCA libraries : 2018 online forms |
Biblionews 107 | 21 december 2017 | New books in the OCA libraries, december 2017 - Selected links |
Biblionews 106 | 30 november 2017 | New books in the OCA libraries, november 2017 - Library Committee : report Nov. 14, 2017 - OCA libraries : new titles - Selected links |
Biblionews 105 | 16 october 2017 |
New books in the OCA libraries, october 2017 - About book donations - National licenses : 305 e-books from Geological society publishing (Special publications + Lyell collection) (1964-2008) - Digitalization and OCR of n. 1 (1926) to n. 69 (1931) of Bulletin de l'Obs. de Nice (complete collection) - New tools : IdRef + dataESR .. - Selected links - Book donations in Eath science by Mr Guust Nolet |
Biblionews 104 | 20 june 2017 | New books in the OCA libraries, june 2017 - BibCNRS portal : User's guides - Tutorials : Bibliometrics + Copyright + Scientific and technical information + Data management plan - Information science : news -- Selected links |
Biblionews 103 | 30 march 2017 | New books in the OCA libraries, march 2017 - BibCNRS portal : Access to the Springer Physics and Astronomy collection 2016 - Tutorials : Dissemin + DoraNum - Selected links |
Biblionews 102 | 06 february 2017 | New books in the OCA libraries, february 2017 - BibCNRS portal : access to Science (AAAS) -- OCA libraries : new titles - Tutorials : Patents of invention + Author's rights + HAL + Data managment plan - Selected links : student master degree (guide) - The numerical law (french law) + Academic social networks and open archives |
Biblionews 101 | 21 october 2016 | New books in the OCA libraries, october 2016 - Digitalization and OCR of n. 18 (1981) to n. 37 (2003) of Bulletin de l'ADION |
Biblionews 100 | 15 june 2016 |
New books in the OCA libraries, june 2016 - Digitalization and OCR of n. 6 (1968) to n. 17 (1980) of Bulletin de l'ADION |
23 march 2016 | New books in the OCA libraries, march 2016 - Digitalization and OCR of n. 4 (1967) and n.5 (1968) of Bulletin de l'ADION | |
Biblionews 98 | 08 january 2016 | New books in the OCA libraries, january 2016 - Access to our resources via SUDOC and WorldCat catalogs / Digitalization and OCR of n. 2 (1965) and n.3 (1966) of Bulletin de l'ADION |
Biblionews 97 | 03 November 2015 | New books in the OCA libraries, november 2015 - Access to our resources via the SCD catalog of University of Nice Sophia Antipolis |
Biblionews 96 | 07 August 2015 | New books in the OCA libraries, august 2015 - Bulletin de l'ADION : Digitalization and OCR of n. 1 (1964) |
Biblionews 95 | 20 May 2015 | New books in the OCA libraries, may 2015 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 11 |
Biblionews 94 | 20 february 2015 | New books in the OCA libraries, february 2015 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 14 |
Biblionews 93 | 30 october 2014 | New books in the OCA libraries, october 2014 - Library user guide 2014-2015 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 12 and 13 part. 1 - BiblioST2I : SAFARI Books online : 150 titles in computer science, engineering and math. |
Biblionews 92 | 05 August 2014 | New books in the OCA libraries, august 2014 - New electronic resources via National licence agreement : OUP and IOP |
Biblionews 91 | 08 april 2014 | New books in the OCA libraries, april 2014 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 10 |
Biblionews 90 | 24 january 2014 | New books in the OCA libraries, january 2014 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 9 / New titles on Library portals : 1. Biblioplanets : Astrophys. Journal ; Nature climate change ; Special pub. of the GSL . Géologie. - 2. BiblioST2I : Coll. Computer and communication sciences . - 3. ISTEX : Archives Elsevier and Nature |
Biblionews 89 | 20 November 2013 | New books in the OCA libraries, november 2013 - Library Committee Report, October 31, 2013 |
Biblionews 88 | 11 October 2013 | New books in the OCA libraries, october 2013 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 8 |
Biblionews 87 | 09 August 2013 | New books in the OCA libraries, august 2013 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 7 - Biblioplanets portal : 3 new titles : MNRAS, MNRAS Letters and GJI |
Biblionews 86 | 30 may 2013 | New books in the OCA libraries, may 2013 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 6 - Biblioplanets portal : 2013 list of new titles |
Biblionews 85 | 28 february 2013 | New books in the OCA libraries, february 2013 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 5 |
Biblionews 84 | 11 december 2012 | New books in the OCA libraries, december 2012 - Book orders (From now, requests for book purchase will be reviewed continuously from January to December) - Library Committee Report, October 30, 2012 - Biblioplanets portal : 2013 subscriptions |
Biblionews 83 | 24 october 2012 | New books in the OCA libraries, october 2012 - The new Geoazur library - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 4 . - Book purchase : until nov. 21 to submit your suggestions |
Biblionews 82 | 01 August 2012 | New books in the OCA libraries, august 2012 - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 3 . - Journal citation report : new edition 2011 |
Biblionews 81 | 25 april 2012 | New books in the OCA libraries, april 2012 - OCA library : user guide - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 2 |
Biblionews 80 | 07 february 2012 | New books in the OCA libraries, february 2012 - Virtual catalog : historical collection of Nice obs. - Annals of Nice obs. : Digitalization and OCR of vol. 1 |
Biblionews 79 | 07 november 2011 | New books in the OCA libraries, november 2011 - Library Committee Report, October 11, 2011 - Book purchase : only a few days left to submit your suggestions |
Biblionews 78 | 17 june 2011 | New books in the OCA libraries, june 2011 - 2011 inventory of the OCA librarie's books - Biblioplanet portal : new password - OCA libraries catalog : new features |
Biblionews 77 | 22 april 2011 | New books in the OCA libraries, april 2011 - Free Trial for Electronic Resources on Biblioplanets portal ( 29 March - 31 May, 2011) - OCA password is required to access to restricted Library pages |
02 february 2011 | New books in the OCA libraries, february 2011 - New OCA library homepage - About 2011 book suggestions (new rules) | |
Biblionews 75 | 03 december 2010 | New books in the OCA libraries, december 2010 - Library Committee Report, November 16, 2010 |
Biblionews 74 | 08 november 2010 | New books in the OCA libraries, november 2010 - Library Committee (Announcement : Meeting Nov. 16, 2010) - 2010 book orders (End of commitments) - Selected Links : Archives Open Until Nov. 30 (Royal Society Reviews 1665- 2010) |
Biblionews 73 | 23 september 2010 | New books in the OCA libraries, september 2010 - SCD-UNS : News about 2011 journal subscriptions (JFM, Physics Uspekhi, IOP Archives, JSTOR Math and Statistics) - OCA : 2011 Journal subscriptions : your expectations ? - Selected links : 1. Archives and manuscripts (standards) (DeMarch, Description of modern and contemporary manuscripts and archives / AFNOR). - 2. PhD students and library (Researchers of tomorrow). - 3. History of Astronomy (Heritage sites of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy / UNESCO) -4. E-books (search engine) ( ; SciVerse) - SCD-UNS : new subscriptions in 2011 / OCA libraries - Subscriptions 2011 : your wishes and suggestions |
Biblionews 72 | 28 may 2010 | New books in the OCA libraries, may 2010 - Biblioplanets : free trial resources (evaluation form) - Selected links : 1. Biographies (The 1st century of the Institut de France, 1895 / BNF, Dictionary of contemporary French and foreign biography / A. Bitard ) - 2. Digital Library (Centrale Lyon Digital Library). -3. Conference (LISA VI). - 4. Old books digitised (Astronomiae institutatae mechanica / Tycho Brahé ; The Comets Theory / The Monnier ; Le Livre des merveilles / Marco Polo). - 5. Statistics (2009 institutional arXiv usage data) |
Biblionews 71 | 15 march 2010 | New books in the OCA libraries, march 2010 - Biblioplanets - e-book collections |
Biblionews 70 | 19 january 2010 | New books in the OCA libraries, january 2010 - New Library Committee member (Fizeau laboratory) |
Biblionews 69 | 24 november 2009 | New books in the OCA libraries, november 2009 - Library Committee Report , October 21, 2009 |
Biblionews 68 | 22 october 2009 | New books in the OCA libraries, october 2009 - 2009 orders (end of commitments) - New on Biblioplanets portal : SCOPUS (free trial) ; IOP archive (change of password) |
Biblionews 67 | 16 june 2009 | New books in the OCA libraries, june 2009 - GeoAzur book collection can be searched on the OCA library catalogue |
Biblionews 66 | 18 march 2009 | New books in the OCA libraries, march 2009 - Quick library guide for new users |
Biblionews 65 | 08 december 2008 | New books in the OCA libraries, december 2008 - Library Committee Report , October 16, 2008 |
Biblionews 64 | 07 july 2008 | New books in the OCA libraries, july 2008 - New Loan policies - New president for the Library committee |
Biblionews 63 | 07 april 2008 | New books in the OCA libraries, april 2008 |
Biblionews 62 | 08 february 2008 | New books in the OCA libraries, february 2008 - Only one email address for the OCA libraries |
Biblionews 61 | 27 november 2007 | New books in the OCA libraries, november 2007 |
Biblionews 60 | 13 september 2007 | New books in the OCA libraries, september 2007 |
Biblionews 59 | 12 june 2007 | New books in the OCA libraries, june 2007 |
Biblionews 58 | 27 february 2007 | New books in the OCA libraries, february 2007 |
Biblionews 57 | 13 november 2006 | New books in the OCA libraries, november 2006 - Library Committee Report , October 04, 2006 |
Biblionews 56 | 24 april 2006 | New books in the OCA libraries, april 2006 - OCA library : New OPAC (online public access catalog) |
Biblionews 55 | 30 november 2005 | New books in the OCA libraries, november 2005 - Library Committee Report , November 17, 2005 |
Biblionews 54 | 13 may 2005 | New books in the OCA libraries, may 2005 |
Biblionews 53 | 07 february 2005 | New books in the OCA libraries, february 2005 |
Biblionews 52 | 27 october 2004 | New books in the OCA libraries, october 2004 |
Biblionews 51 | 07 june 2004 | New books in the OCA libraries, june 2004 |
Biblionews 50 | 01 april 2004 | New books in the OCA libraries, april 2004 |
Biblionews 49 | 05 february 2004 | New books in the OCA libraries, february 2004 |
Biblionews 48 | 03 december 2003 | New books in the OCA libraries, december 2003 - New OCA library portal |
Biblionews 47 | 03 october 2003 | New books in the OCA libraries, october 2003 |
Biblionews 46 | 29 july 2003 | New books in the OCA libraries, july 2003 |
Biblionews 45 | 15 may 2003 | New books in the OCA libraries, may 2003 |
Biblionews 44 | 19 march 2003 | New books in the OCA libraries, march 2003 |
Biblionews 43 | 17 january 2003 | New books in the OCA libraries, january 2003 |
Biblionews 42 | 12 november 2002 | New books in the OCA libraries, november 2002 - Library Committee Report, Nov. 04, 2002 |
Biblionews 41 | 11 september 2002 | New books in the OCA libraries, september 2002 |
Biblionews 40 | 04 june 2002 | New books in the OCA libraries, june 2002 - OCA Library portal available in English |
Biblionews 39 | 06 may 2002 | New books in the OCA libraries, may 2002 |
Biblionews 38 | 20 march 2002 | New books in the OCA libraries, march 2002 - Resources in Astronomy : a list of Astronomical resource sites arranged by topic |
Biblionews 37 | 08 january 2002 | New books in the OCA libraries, january 2002 - Library Committee Report , October 24, 2001- Resources in Physics : a list of physical resource sites arranged by topic - Periodical catalog available in printed form (Nice library ) |
Biblionews 36 | 19 november 2001 | New books in the OCA libraries, november 2001 |
Biblionews 35 | 21 october 2001 | New books in the OCA libraries, october 2001 - Online catalogue of OCA Library's periodicals |
Biblionews 34 | 18 september 2001 | New books in the OCA libraries, september 2001 - About book orders |
Biblionews 33 | 25 july 2001 | New books in the OCA libraries, july 2001 |
Biblionews 32 | 18 june 2001 | New books in the OCA libraries, june 2001 |
Biblionews 31 | 11 may 2001 | New books in the OCA libraries, may 2001 |
Biblionews 30 | 10 april 2001 | New books in the OCA libraries,april 2001 - New furniture in the Reading Room (Nice library) + Online Book Suggestion Form |
Biblionews 29 | 21 march 2001 | New books in the OCA libraries,march 2001 - Library Committee Report, March 02, 2001 |
Biblionews 28 | 09 february 2001 | New books in the OCA libraries,february 2001 |
Biblionews 27 | 13 december 2000 | New books in the OCA libraries, december 2000 - Journal subscriptions 2001 . New page on OCA library portal : Library Committee report |
Biblionews 26 | 28 october 2000 | New books in the OCA libraries, october 2000 |
Biblionews 25 | 18 september 2000 | New books in the OCA libraries, september 2000 (suppl. n.24) |
Biblionews 24 | 18 september 2000 | New books in the OCA libraries, september 2000 |
Biblionews 23 | 28 july 2000 | New books in the OCA libraries, july 2000 |
Biblionews 22 | 03 july 2000 | New books in the OCA libraries, july 2000 |
Biblionews 21 | 22 april 2000 | New books in the OCA libraries, april 2000 - Library Committee Report, May 16, 2000 |
Biblionews 20 | 14 april 2000 | New books in the OCA libraries, april 2000 |
Biblionews 19 | 22 march 2000 | New books in the OCA libraries, march 2000 |
Biblionews 18 | 31 january 2000 | New books in the OCA libraries, january 2000 |
Biblionews 17 | 17 december 1999 | New books in the OCA libraries, december 1999 |
Biblionews 16 | 17 november 1999 | New books in the OCA libraries, november 1999 - 2000 subscriptions |
Biblionews 15 | 20 october 1999 | New books in the OCA libraries, october 1999 - New section on OCA library portal : The latest issues of the week |
Biblionews 14 | 09 september 1999 | New books in the OCA libraries, september 1999 |
Biblionews 13 | 25 june 1999 | New books in the OCA libraries, june 1999 |
Biblionews 12 | 20 april 1999 | New books in the OCA libraries, april 1999 |
Biblionews 11 | 17 february 1999 | New books in the OCA libraries, february 1999 - Online subscription (Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A) |
Biblionews 10 | 15 january 1999 | New books in the OCA libraries, january 1999 - 1999 subscriptions (Nice - Grasse - Calern) - The state of 1998 orders |
Biblionews 9 | 01 december 1998 | New books in the OCA libraries, december 1998 |
Biblionews 8 | 09 september 1998 | New books in the OCA libraries, september 1998 - Loan : new rules (borrowing materials with form in the book) - Electronic subscription (A & A abstract) |
Biblionews 7 | 19 february 1998 | New books in the OCA libraries, february 1998 - New OCA library portal - 1998 online subscriptions (Nice / Grasse/Calern) - The state of 1997 orders |
Biblionews 6 | 17 december 1997 | New books in the OCA libraries, december 1997 |
Biblionews 5 | 12 november 1997 | New books in the OCA libraries, november 1997 - Useful links : ArXiv (mirror site) |
Biblionews 4 | 31 august 1997 | New books in the OCA libraries, august 1997 |
Biblionews 3 | 22 may 1997 | New books in the library, may 1997 |
Biblionews 2 | 24 april 1997 | New books in the library, april 1997 |
Biblionews 1 | 28 march 1997 | New books in the library, march 1997 - The state of 1996 orders |
Nouveautés à la bibliothèques 7 | 11 february 1997 | New books in the library, february 1997. - Current periodical subscriptions (1997) |
Nouveautés à la bibliothèques 6 | 19 décember 1996 | New books in the library, december 1996 |
Nouveautés à la bibliothèque 5 | 6 november 1996 | New books in the library, november 1996 |
Nouveautés à la bibliothèque 4 | 15 september 1996 | New books in the library, september 1996 |
Nouveautés à la bibliothèques 3 | 31 july 1996 |
New books in the library, july 1996 |
Nouveautés à la bibliothèque 2 | 30 june 1996 |
New books in the library, june 1996 |
Nouveautés à la bibliothèques 1 | 31 may 1996 | New books in the library, may 1996 |
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