Click on the topic that interests you : - External communication of the observatory (information brochures arranged in chronological order) - Internal communication of the observatory : Formule 4 (1989-1996) ; Formule express (1991/92-2000?) ; L'OCA.COM (2005-2006) ; Gazette de l'OCA (2006-2011) - Strategic planning, management & evaluation of the observatory |
Communication of the observatory
External communication : information brochures (classified by publication date)
Information brochure for the general public presenting the history, the missions and the activities of the Côte d'Azur observatory
L'Observatoire de Nice : un site géographique, un haut lieu scientifique [information brochure]
Hervé Fabre (dir.-adj.) ; Robert Fabre (phot.) ; Paul Frank (collab.) (1972) Call number : W16 (OCA-NI-005001) Brochure written by Hervé Fabre, Honorary Deputy Director of the Nice Observatory. History of the observatory from its creation until 1969 ; practical information on tours for the general public __________________
Access condition : free access for all
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Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur [information brochure]
Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (1990) Call number : W19 (OCA-NI-004996) Information brochure on the Côte d'Azur observatory (OCA) : presentation and history of the institute ; its scientific activities (measurement of distances and movements in the universe ; internal structure of the sun).
Access condition : free access for all
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Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur [information brochures] Presentation of the Côte d'Azur Observatory (OCA) . Paper pouch containing 1 A4 sheet (in French) + 2 information brochures (1 in French, 1 in English)
Access condition : free access for all |
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Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur [information brochure]
Françoise Belly Dubau (dir. de publ.) ; Irma Fedreghini (maquettiste) (2001)
Call number : W58 (OCA-NI-006241) Information brochure on the Côte d'Azur Observatory . It presents the history of the observatory
and the research carried out there (shape and size of the earth; solar system and planetology; sun; stars and telescopes; universe, dissemination program of scientific and technical culture) ____________________ Access condition : free access for all
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GB |
Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur [OCA]
FR | |||
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Internal communication (OCA internal journals)
The purpose of the internal journals is to strengthen the link between the management and its staff. Rich in information on the administrative and scientific life of the establishment, its great and small human stories, they constitute an interesting communication tool to know the contemporary history of the observatory.
Formule 4 : bulletin de liaison de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur [OCA] Internal OCA newsletter from 1989 to 1996 Access condition : restricted access to OCA |
To consult the issues + contents |
Formule express : bulletin interne d'information Calern, Grasse, Nice |
To consult the issues + contents |
OCA. Service communication ; Monique Torre-Barelli (2005-2006)
Issues : n.1,2005-n.10,2006
Call number : PO571 Internal OCA newsletter from 2005 to 2006
_______________ Access condition : restricted access to OCA |
To consult the issues + contents |
Become : La gazette de l'OCA (2006-20211) |
La gazette de l'OCA : bulletin interne d'informations de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur [OCA]
OCA. Service communication ; Monique Torre-Barelli (2006-2011)
Issues : n.18,2006-n.183,2011 Call number : PO571 Internal OCA newsletter from 2006 to 2011 Access condition : restricted access to OCA |
to consult the issues + contents |
Following : L' (n.1,-n.17,2006) |
Strategic planning, management and evaluation of the observatory
Remplacement de l'ordinateur IBM 7040 de l'observatoire de Nice __________________ Conditions d'accès : accès restreint OCA |
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Observatoire des Alpes Maritimes. Contrat quadriennal 1988-1991
Raymond Michard (1987)
Call number : W13 (OCA-NI-005004) Born from the merger of the Nice observatory and CERGA, the observatory of the Alpes Maritimes, pending a decree fixing its legal status, is applying to the Ministry of National Education for a contract to the period 1988-1991. The research component includes a space component (collection and analysis of space data) and a ground component (techniques linked to high angular resolution). In support of research, international collaborations and training activities are highlighted. ______________________ Access condition : restricted access to OCA |
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Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (Nice-Grasse-Caussols) : Comité National d'Evaluation
Philippe Delache (dir. de l'OCA) (1991)
Call number : W111 (OCA-NI-009353) The update on the establishment "Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur " (OCA) after 2 years of existence (1988-1990/91). The Part 1 draws up a general assessment of the observatory carried out by its director Philippe Delache (status, organization, budget, staff, research activities, scientific relations, teaching and observation tasks). The Part 2 is a synthetic presentation of the 3 scientific departments (Cassini; CERGA; Fresnel) for the National Evaluation Committee.
Access condition : restricted access to OCA
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Examen à mi-parcours du contrat quadriennal 1992-1995 de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur Axes of development and scientific and financial assessment of the observatory for the period 1992-1993 : Access condition : restricted access to OCA |
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Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur . Constructions nouvelles et restauration de monuments historiques
Philippe Delache (dir. de l'OCA) (1993)
Call number : W38 / OCA-NI-005503 Proposal for a 1994-1998 state-region plan contract presented by the director of the OCA, P. Delache. Contains : a history of the 3 observatory sites ; proposals for extensions (Calern and Grasse) and renovation (Nice) as well as a scientific and technical culture project (museographic studies ; REMU program)
Access conditions : restricted access to OCA
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Vol.1 |
Proposition de contrat quadriennal 1996-1999. Vol. 1 & 2
José Antonio de Freitas Pacheco (dir.) (1995) Call number : W9 / OCA-NI-004505 Scientific report 1992-1995. Development and management proposals for the period 1996-1999 for the 3 laboratories (Cassini; CERGA; Fresnel) and the common services Access condition : restricted access to OCA |
Vol.2 |
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Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur. Contrat quadriennal 1996-1999 : évaluation à mi parcours Access condition : restricted access to OCA |
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Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur. Bilan de gestion présenté par J.A. de Freitas Pacheco, directeur ... Overall assessment by J.A. de Freitas Pacheco of his mandate as director of the observatory and recommendations for his succession. . Access condition : restricted access to OCA |
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Rapport d'activité 1996-1999 et prospectives 2000-2003 . Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur ____________________ Access condition : restricted access to OCA |
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Contrat quadriennal de développment de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur 2000-2003 Access condition : restricted access to OCA |
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Compte-rendu des travaux de la Commission "Etats des lieux" As part of the preparation of the 2004-2007 four-year contract and the restructuring of the establishment, the commission presents an assessment and a critical analysis of the Observatory at the request of its director, Jacques Colin ____________ Access condition : restricted access to OCA |
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- The collections can also be consulted via the catalog of the OCA libraries -