image bibnum46zahn

Jean-Paul Zahn
Author : Suzy Collin-Zahn
Publisher : [Imprimé par l'Observatoire de Paris]

Date : [2016]
Pagination : 1 vol., non paginé (92 p. au format pdf)
Call number : W115 / OCA-NI-009513
Language : french
Origine of the doc. : OCA, bibliothèque Nice Mont-Gros
Online date : 28 nov. 2019 (digitized programme 2019-2020)

Access condition : digitized document for conservation purposes only (access reserved for the service).
Only the paper version can be read on site


Description : This book is dedicated to the memory of Jean-Paul Zahn. Written by his wife, it is intended for his children and grandchildren, as well as his friends and colleagues. He recounts his personal, family and professional journey. He notably worked at the Nice Observatory from 1966 to 1981 then at the Toulouse and the Pic de Midi Observatory (1981-1988). From 1972 to 1981 he was director of the Nice Observatory. He created the fluid dynamics team. From 1981 to 1988 he was director of the Toulouse and Pic de Midi Observatories .
Table of contents  :  Le déroulé de sa vie (p.5) - La recherche (p.21) -  L'album photo (p.33) -  sa famille (p.34) · ses amis· chers (p.42) -  Les hommages (p.54) -  La cérémonie du Pic (p.55) - Les funérailles (p.60) -  D'autres hommages (p.81)
Photographies  :  This work is richly illustrated with color photographs of Jean-Paul Zahn, his family, his friends and colleagues.