Teaching staff and researchers of Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur contribute to the teaching of two different master degrees that students can pick to specialize either in Earth Science (a Master called 3G) or in Space Science (a Master called MAUCA). This page summarizes the information and links that will allow you to apply to either Master.
3G (Geology, Geophysics, Geotechnical Engineering) is a Master training program in Earth and Planetary Sciences, opened since Septembre 2014, at Université Côte d'Azur (UCA) in collaboration with the Côte d'Azur Observatory. Trainings take place within Géoazur Laboratory and are mostly taught by Géoazur's faculties and researchers.
This Master is international and students from various origins are encouraged to apply. Acceptance is subject to a drastic selection process. Candidates are required to possess solid background in Earth Sciences, Physics and Mathematics. Note that a large amount of the teaching is done in French.
3G Master students benefit from:
3G Master's director: Anthony Mémin
3G Master's organizers: Geology, Guillaume Duclaux - Geophysics, Anthony Mémin - Geotechnical Engineering, Louis de Barros.
Gestionnaire: Sylvie della Vittoria.
(Refer to the dedicated webpage of the Master's website)
Students with a B.Sc (L3 in France) in Earth Sciences, Physics, and applied Mathematics or equivalent can apply.
A selection process is in place to guarantee the training program level and insure solid interactions between students and supervisors.
International students can also apply through the Erasmus program.
Detailed instructions on how to apply are avaliable from Université Côte d'Azur (https://univ-cotedazur.fr/candidater-et-s-inscrire/candidater/candidater-en-master)
MAUCA is an international Master international of astrophysics,. MAUCA has been offered since September 2016, and been taught at Université Côte d'Azur (UCA) in collaboration with Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (OCA) whose personnel assumes most of the teaching.
MAUCA is a true International degree and students from all over the world can apply. Acceptation into the program is highly competitive (pressure factor of ~ 5): an application with reliable marks from undergraduate degrees in physics, mathematics or engineering is mandatory.
MAUCA students have access to:
Director of MAUCA: Aurélien Crida
Responsables : M1 (first year), Benoit Carry - M2 (second year), Marcel Carbillet - International Relations, Philippe Bendjoya.
Gestionnaire: Jocelyne Bettini.
More information here : https://mauca.oca.eu/fr/apply