Main sections : Bibliometrics (general) ; Bibliometric databases ; Bibliometric indicators ; The High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres)
Index : Altmetrics ; AI ; Article influence (AI) ; Bibliometric databases ; Bibliometric indicators ; Bibliometrics (general) ; CiteScore ; Collaborations (how to measure the) ; Dimensions ; E-index ; Eigenfactor (EI) ; Evaluation of research (procedure) ; Evaluation reports (Artemis ; Géoazur ; Lagrange ; OCA ; Regional ; SIR Patrimoine ; UCA ; World) ; G-index ; Google scholar ; H-index ; Hcéres (evaluation procedure ; evaluation reports ; missions) ; IF ; Impact factor (IF) ; Impact per publication (IPP) ; IPERU ; IPP ; Reports (Hcéres) ; SCimago Journal Range (SJR) ; SCOPUS ; SJR ; SNIP ; Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) ; STRATER (reports) ; Web of Science (WoS) ; WoS (database ; OST database and WOS)
Bibliometrics (general)
Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal. Bibliothèque (update july 2023) : |
Gautret, Marjolaine, Portail doc. Sorbonne Universités (update, june 2021) |
Larivière, Vincent ; Sugimoto, Cassidy R. (2018) free e-book in french language Contains : 1. Les bases [The basics] (p.9) - 2. Les données [The data] (p.35) - 3. Les indicateurs [The indicators] (p. 67) - 4. Vue d'ensemble [Overview] (p. 145) - Suggestion de lecture [Reading suggestion] (p. 169) |
Bibliothèque de l'Université de Laval Contents : |
Bibliometric databases
Dimensions (Digital Science & Research Solutions Inc.)
Dimensions (Digital Science & Research Solutions Inc.) : Multi scientific abstract and citation database (1400-....). Access by suscriptions or free limited access. It analyses : |
Google scholar
Google scholar (Google) : Bibliographic database. Free access. Access to bibliometric indicators by author, journal or article : allows to visualize the range of an author, an article, according to the number of citations. |
IPERU (Hcères) = see : Hcéres - OST database and IPERU
SCOPUS (Elsevier) Multi scientific abstract and citation database. Access : 1. direct via the publisher portal (UCA members) - 2. via BibCNRS portal , "Database" section |
Web of Science (WoS) (Clarivate analytics, previously Thomson reuter) WOS allows you to access to 11 bibliographic databases :
WOS allows you to analyze the citations of a person, group, article, or journal :
WOS contains a bibliographical management tool : - EndNote : bibliographic management tool accessible after registration. |
See also : OST database and WOS
Bibliometric indicators
University of Laval, Library (Canada) Bibliométrie et impact de la recherche - Almetrics [Bibliometry and research impact - Almetrics] Contains : a definition, advantages and disadvantages, describes tools for measuring alternative impacts ( ; ; Altmetric it! ; ; ImpactStory ; Mendeley ; PLoS ; ResearchGate) |
University of Montreal, Polytechnic school (Canada) (update july 2021) |
Article Influence (AI)
M.C. Deboin, CIRAD - CoopIST (2012) Indicateurs de notoriété des publications 4. Article Influence (AI) [indicators of journal impact 4. Article influence (AI) ] |
CiteScore (Elsevier indicator)
M.C. Deboin, CIRAD - CoopIST (2017)
Les indicateurs CiteScore et IPP pour mesurer l'impact d'une revue ou d'une série dans la base SCOPUS [The CiteScore and IPP indicators to measure the impact of a journal or series in the SCOPUS database]
Collaborations (How to measure the)
Polytechnic school, University of Montreal (update july 2021) |
Chun-Ting Zhang (2009) The e-Index, Complementing the h-Index for Excess Citations (PloS one, 5 mai 2009) |
Eigenfactor (EI)
M.C. Deboin, CIRAD - CoopIST (2012) Indicateurs de notoriété des publications 3. Eigenfactor (EI) [Indicators to evaluate journal notoriety 3. Eigenfactor] |
M.C. Deboin, CIRAD - CoopIST (2017) Indicateurs de notoriété des publications 1. Impact Factor ou facteur d’impact (IF ou FI) [indicators to evaluate journals notoriety 1. Impact factor or facteur d'impact (IF ou FI)] |
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique. Service de documentation et d'information spécialisées (INRS, Canada, 2012) Comment évaluer les publications d'un chercheur dans Web of science [How to evaluate a researcher's publications in Web of science ?] Content : tools available -- procedures -- - results
M.C. Deboin, CIRAD - CoopIST (2012) Indicateurs de notoriété des publications 7. G-index ou facteur g [indicators to evaluate journals notoriety 7. G-index] |
Marie-Claude Deboin, CIRAD - CoopIST (2012) Indicateurs de notoriété des publications 6. H-index ou facteur h [indicators to evaluate journals notoriety 6. H-index] |
Polytechnic school , University of Montreal (update july 2021) Contains : |
University of Texas at Dallas (2023) H-index using Web of Science, Scopus or Google Scholar ? |
Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD) H-index , Good or bad ? (2020) |
IPERU [Performance indicators of French university research establishments] : see : Hcéres
Marie-Claude Deboin, CIRAD - CoopIST (2017)
Les indicateurs CiteScore et IPP pour mesurer l'impact d'une revue ou d'une série dans la base SCOPUS [The CiteScore and IPP indicators to measure the impact of a journal or series in the SCOPUS database] |
Marie-Claude Deboin, CIRAD - CoopIST (2013) L'indicateur SJR de notoriété d'une revue [The SJR indicator of the notoriety of a journal : SCImago journal rank] |
Scimago lab Publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database Elsevier. You can search with the title of a journal or by subject. Access to the database is free, even without a subscription to Scopus. |
SNIP - Source Normalized Impact per Paper (indicator of Elsevier's Scopus)
Marie-Claude Deboin , CIRAD - CoopIST (2013) L'indicateur SNIP de notoriété contextuelle d'une revue [The SNIP indicator of the contextual notoriety of a journal |
The High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres)
Hcéres missions
The High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres) Hcéres portal - About us - missions The Hcéres is an independent public authority responsible for evaluating all french higher education and research structures. It is structured in 8 departments. Hcéres portal - Analysis and studies - the strategic reflection of the french and european institutions (ministries, European Commission, regional councils, universities, research organisations, companies); - the evaluations organized by Hcéres ; - the evaluation of french public policies. Contents : |
Evaluation by Hcéres
Evaluation (procedure & guides)
Hcéres |
Hcéres (2023) Guide des produits de la recherche et des activités de recherche Panel : ST3 - Sciences de la terre et de l'univers (STU) [Guide to research products and research activities - Panel : ST3 - Earth and Universe Sciences ] (pdf format, 42 p.)
Description of types of :
- publications, - instrumental developments, - IT products and tools, - didactic activities - research activities, recognized by Hcéres in Earth and Universe Sciences |
Search engine [to find an evaluation report] |
The OST-WOS database and the IPERU program (Production Indicators of University Research Institutions)
To produce its bibliometric analyses, the OST relies on the multidisciplinary Web of Science (WoS) database of Clarivate Analytics. He enriches it with additional data (geographical, institutional, etc.). The WoS lists the most influential scientific journals and conference proceedings at the international level. The indicators are calculated by retaining only certain documents: original articles (including those from conference proceedings), summary articles (reviews) and letters.
IPERU indicators are provided to approximately 120 French establishments. They are used to characterize the scientific and technological productions of the establishments, to follow their evolution and to position them in territorial areas of reference.
The data produced by the OST within the framework of the IPERU program is subject to annual verification by the establishments, through tracking interfaces.
Indicateurs de production S.&T. des établissements français Journée IPERU 10 dec. 2018 Synthèse, mai 2019 |
IPERU : Atelier de présentation de l'interface de repérage (dec 2021) | IPERU . Vol. 1 méthodologie (july 2022) |
Individual indicator reports are provided annually to institutions. A report on the relative positioning of groups of higher education and research institutions in the global publications space is also provided.
Hcéres evaluation reports on the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (OCA) and its environment (UCA; OCA labs ; territorial strategy)
Rapport d'évaluation Artémis laboratory 2023/03/10 |
Rapport d'évaluation Lagrange laboratory 2023/04/07 |
Rapport d'évaluation Géoazur laboratory 2017 |
Rapport d'évaluation |
Rapport d'évaluation |
Rapport d'évaluation |
Rapport d'évaluation Lagrange laboratory 2011/03 |
Hcéres reports : "Stratégie Territoriale de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (STRATER)" = Territorial Strategy for Higher Education and Research (STRATER)
Strater Stratom France 2022/07 (toutes les régions) |
Strater PACA 2022/07 |
Others OST reports
La Position scientifique de la France dans le monde |