A Professional Life in Short
- Born in Paris on 23 July 1949
- Educated at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and the University of Paris
- Joined CERGA in 1974 and CNRS in 1975
- PhD in 1980 : Tidal effects in the solar system
- Post Doc 1981 : Cornell University (USA)
- Director of CERGA 1992-2003.
- Hipparcos mission and Hipparcos Science Team 1983-1997
- Preparation of the exploitation of the Gaia ESA mission (2000- ?)
- Presently Director of Research in CNRS at the Observatory of Côte d'Azur in the Dept Cassiopée.
Research responsabilities
- Associate member of the Bureau des Longitudes
- Member of the French National Committee of Scientific Research (Astronomy)
- Member of the Science Council of the Institut de Mécanique Céleste
- Member Administrative Council of the Observatory of Strasbourg
- Member of the CNES advisory committee on fundamental physics
- Member of the GAIA Science Team (ESA)
- Chair of the Gaia DPAC (Data Processing and Analysis Consortium)
Overview of the Plateau de Calern