Refereed journals:

Year 2024
Images of Betelgeuse with VLTI/MATISSE across the Great Dimming

Year 2023
The dusty circumstellar environment of Betelgeuse during the Great Dimming as seen by VLTI/MATISSE

Year 2022
Locating dust and molecules in the inner circumstellar environment of R Sculptoris with MATISSE

HD 28109 hosts a trio of transiting Neptunian planets including a near-resonant pair, confirmed by ASTEP from Antarctica

Observation scheduling and automatic data reduction for the Antarctic Telescope, ASTEP+

Observing exoplanets from Antarctica in two colours: set-up and operation of ASTEP+

MATISSE, the VLTI mid-infrared imaging spectro-interferometer

Thermal imaging of dust hiding the black hole in NGC 1068

Improving the diameters of interferometric calibrators with MATISSE

The extended atmosphere and circumstellar environment of the cool evolved star VX Sagittarii as seen by MATISSE

VLTI-MATISSE L- and N-band aperture-synthesis imaging of the unclassified B[e] star FS Canis Majoris

Year 2021
VLTI-MATISSE chromatic aperture-synthesis imaging of η Carinae's stellar wind across the Brα line. Periastron passage observations in February 2020

First MATISSE L-band observations of HD 179218. Is the inner 10 au region rich in carbon dust particles?

Mid-infrared circumstellar emission of the long-period Cepheid ℓ Carinae resolved with VLTI/MATISSE

A dusty veil shading Betelgeuse during its Great Dimming

The β Pictoris b Hill sphere transit campaign. I. Photometric limits to dust and rings

The asymmetric inner disk of the Herbig Ae star HD 163296 in the eyes of VLTI/MATISSE: evidence for a vortex?

Year 2020
The asymmetric inner disk of the Herbig Ae star HD 163296 in the eyes of VLTI/MATISSE: evidence for a vortex?

Calibrating the surface brightness – color relation for late-type red giants stars in the visible domain using VEGA/CHARA interferometric observations

Visible and near-infrared spectro-interferometric analysis of the edge-on Be star o Aquarii

Progress of the CHARA/SPICA project

Year 2018
Perspectives of a visible instrument on the VLTI

The installation and ongoing commissioning of the MATISSE mid-infrared interferometer at the ESO Very Large Telescope Observatory

MATISSE: performance in laboratory, results of AIV in Paranal, and first results on sky

Year 2017
Critical study of the distribution of rotational velocities of Be stars
II: Differential rotation and some hidden effects interfering with the interpretation of the V sin i parameterJ. Zorec, Y. Frémat, A. Domiciano de Souza, F. Royer, L. Cidale, A.-M. Hubert, T. Semaan, C. Martayan, Y. R. Cochetti, M. L. Arias, Y. Aidelman and Stee, Ph, A&A, 602, A83
« White book » Science cases for a visible interferometer post-GRAVITY and post-MATISSE by Stee, Ph and 53 colleagues. 2017, arXiv: 1703.02395. Please download the full document HERE
Year 2016
Critical study of the distribution of rotational velocities of Be stars
I. Deconvolution methods, effects due to gravity darkening, macroturbulence, and binarity⋆

J. Zorec, Y. Frémat, A. Domiciano de Souza, F. Royer, L. Cidale,, A.-M. Hubert, T. Semaan, C. Martayan, Y. R. Cochetti, M. L. Arias, Y. Aidelman and Stee, Ph., A&A, 595, A132
VEGA/CHARA interferometric observations of Cepheids
I. A resolved structure around the prototype classical Cepheid δ Cep in the visible spectral range⋆

N. Nardetto, A. Mérand, D. Mourard, J. Storm, W. Gieren, P. Fouqué, A. Gallenne, D. Graczyk, P. Kervella, H. Neilson, G. Pietrzynski, B. Pilecki, J. Breitfelder, P. Berio, M. Challouf, J.-M. Clausse, R. Ligi, P. Mathias, A. Meilland, K. Perraut, E. Poretti, M. Rainer, A. Spang, Stee, Ph., I. Tallon-Bosc and T. ten Brummelaar 2016, A&A, 593, A45
Monte-Carlo radiative transfer simulation of the circumstellar disk of the Herbig Ae star HD 144432

Chen, L.; Kreplin, A.; Weigelt, G.; Hofmann, K.-H.; Schertl, D.; Malbet, F.; Massi, F.; Petrov, R.; Stee, Ph., 2016, A&A, 586, 54C
Probing the wind-launching regions of the Herbig Be star HD 58647 with high spectral resolution interferometry

Kurosawa, Ryuichi; Kreplin, A.; Weigelt, G.; Natta, A.; Benisty, M.; Isella, Andrea; Tatulli, Eric; Massi, F.; Testi, Leonardo; Kraus, Stefan; Duvert, G.; Petrov, Romain G.; Stee, Ph., 2016, MNRAS, 457, 2236
Year 2015
« White book » Science cases for a visible interferometer post-GRAVITY and post-MATISSE
by Ph. Stee and 53 colleagues. 2015, Please download the full document HERE
Theoretical impact of fast rotation on calibrating the surface brightness-color relation for early-type stars

M. Challouf, N. Nardetto, A. Domiciano de Souza, D. Mourard, H. Aroui, Stee, Ph. , O. Delaa, D. Graczyk, G. Pietrzynski, and W. Gieren, 2015 A&A, 579, A107
The peculiar fast-rotating star 51 Ophiuchi probed by VEGA/CHARA

N. Jamialahmadi, N., Ph. Berio, Meilland, A., Perraut, K., Mourard, D., Lopez, B, Stee, Ph. , Nardetto, N. et al. 2015, A&A, 579, A81
Spectral and spatial imaging of the Be+sdO binary ϕ Persei

D. Mourard, J. D. Monnier, A. Meilland, D. Gies, F. Millour, M. Benisty, X. Che, E. D. Grundstrom, R. Ligi, G. Schaefer, F. Baron, S. Kraus, M. Zhao, E. Pedretti, P. Berio, J. M. Clausse, N. Nardetto, K. Perraut, A. Spang, Stee, Ph. et al., 2015, A&A, 577, A51
Year 2014
- The expanding fireball of Nova Delphini 2013

Schaefer, G.H., T. ten Brummelaar, D. R. Gies, C. D. Farrington, B. Kloppenborg, O. Chesneau, J. D. Monnier, S. T. Ridgway, N. Scott, I. Tallon-Bosc, H. A. McAlister, T. Boyajian, V. Maestro, D. Mourard, A. Meilland, N. Nardetto, Stee, Ph. et al., 2014, Nature, doi:10.1038/nature13834
- Long baseline interferometry in the visible: the FRIEND project

P. Berio, Y. Bresson, J.M. Clausse, D. Mourard, J. Dejonghe, et al. including Stee, Ph. 2014, Proc. SPIE 9146, Optical and Infrared IV, 914616
Year 2013
- Enhanced Hα activity at periastron in the young and massive spectroscopic binary HD2000775

Benisty, M. Perraut, K., Mourard, D., Stee, Ph., G.H.R.A. Lima, J.B. Le Bouquin, M. Borges Fernandes, O. Chesneau, N. Nardetto, I. Tallon-Bosc, H. McAlister, T. Ten Brummelaar, S. Ridgway, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, N. Turner, C. Farrington, P.J. Goldfinger 2013, A&A, 555, B113
- Spectrally resolved interferometric observations of α Cephei and physical modeling of fast rotating stars

Delaa, O. Zorec, J, Domiciano de Souza, A., Mourard, D., Perraut, K. Stee, Ph.,, Y. Frémat,
J. Monnier, S. Kraus, X. Che Ph. Bério, D. Bonneau, J. M. Clausse, M. Challouf, R. Ligi, A. Meilland, N. Nardetto, A. Spang, H. McAlister, T. ten Brummelaar, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, N. Turner, C. Farrington and P. J. Goldfinger 2013, A&A, 555, A100
- Revealing the inclined disk in the UX Orionis system KK Ophiuchi

Kreplin, A., Weigelt, G., Kraus, S., Ginin, V., Hofmann, K.-H., Kishimoto, M., Schertl, D., Tambovtseva, L., Clausse, J.-M., Massi, F., Perraut, K., & Stee, Ph, , A&A, 551, A21
- Evidence of an asymmetrical Keplerian disk in the Brγ and He I emission lines around the Be star HD 110432

Stee, Ph , Meilland, A., Ph. Bendjoya, F. Millour, M. Smith, A. Spang, G. Duvert, K-H Hofmann and F. Massi, 2013 A&A, 550, A65
- The binary Be star δ Scorpii at high spectral and spatial resolution
II. The circumstellar disk evolution after the periastron

Meilland, A., Stee, Ph , A. Spang, F. Malbet, F. Massi and D. Schertl 2013, A&A, 550, L5
- Interactions in Massive Binary Stars as Seen by Interferometry

Millour, F., Meilland, A., Stee Ph. & Chesneau, O.. Lecture Notes in Physics, 2013, 857, 149
Year 2012
- The relationship between gamma Cassiopeiae's X-ray emission and its circumstellar environment
Part II: Geometry and kinematics of the disk from MIRC and VEGA instruments on the CHARA Array

Stee, Ph ,.O. Delaa, J.D. Monier, A. Meilland, K. Perraut, D. Mourard, X. Che and 18 co-authors 2012, A&A, 545, A59
- Spatially resolving the outer atmosphere of the M giant BK Vir in the CO first overtone lines with VLTI/AMBER

K. Ohnaka, K.-H. Hofmann, D. Schertl, G. Weigelt, F. Malbet, F. Massi, A. Meilland, and Stee, Ph, A&A, 537A, 53O
- First spectro-interferometric survey of Be stars: I. Observations and constraints on the disk geometry and kinematics

A. Meilland, Millour, F., Kanaan, S., Stee, Ph , Petrov, R. Hofmann, K.-H., Natta, A. and Perraut, K. 2012, A&A, 538, A110
- The relationship between gamma Cassiopeiae's X-ray emission and its circumstellar environment

Smith, M. A.; Lopes de Oliveira, R.; Motch, C.; Henry, G. W.; Richardson, N. D.; Bjorkman, K. S.; Stee, Ph ,.; Mourard, D.; Monnier, J. D.; Che, X. and 10 co-authors 2012, A&A, 540, A53
- A high angular and spectral resolution view into the hidden companion of ε Aurigæ

D.. Mourard, P. Harmanec, R. Stencel, Ph. Berio, O. Chesneau, J.M. Clausse, R. Ligi, N. Nardetto, K. Perraut, Stee, Ph , I. Tallon-Bosc, H. McAlister, T. ten Brummelaar, S. Ridgway, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, N. Turner, C. Farrington and P.J. Goldfinger, 2012 A&A, 544, A91
Year 2011
- Fast ray-tracing algorithm for circumstellar structures (FRACS) II. Disc parameters of the B[e] supergiant CPD-57°,2874 from VLTI/MIDI data

A. Domiciano de Souza, P. Bendjoya, G. Niccolini, O. Chesneau, M. Borges Fernandes, A. C. Carciofi, A. Spang1, Stee, Ph and T. Driebe, 2011, A&A, 525, A22
- An investigation of the close environment of β Cep with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer

N. Nardetto, D. Mourard, I. Tallon-Bosc, M. Tallon, P. Berio, E. Chapellier, D. Bonneau, O. Chesneau, P. Mathias, K. Perraut, Stee, Ph, A. Blazit, J. M. Clausse, O. Delaa, A. Marcotto, F. Millour, A. Roussel, A. Spang, H. McAlister, T. ten Brummelaar, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, N. Turner, C. Farrington, P.J. Goldfinger, 2011, A&A, 525, A67
- Differential rotation in rapidly rotating early-type stars. I. Motivations for combined spectroscopic and interferometric studies

Zorec, J, Frémat, Y, Domiciano de Souza, A., Delaa, O., Stee, Ph,., Mourard, D., Cidale, L., Martayan, C., Georgy, C. and Ekström, S. 2011, A&A, 526, A87
- The fundamental parameters of the roAp star γ Equulei

K. Perraut, I. Brandão, D. Mourard, M. Cunha, Ph. Bério, D. Bonneau, O. Chesneau, J.M.~Clausse, O. Delaa, A. Marcotto, A. Roussel, A. Spang, Stee, Ph, I. Tallon-Bosc, H. McAlister, T.~ten~Brummelaar, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, N. Turner, C. Farrington, P.J. Goldfinger, 2010, A&A, 526, A89
- Imaging the spinning gas and dust in the disc around the supergiant A[e] star HD 62623

F. Millour, A. Meilland, O. Chesneau, Stee, Ph, S. Kanaan, R. Petrov, D. Mourard and S. Kraus 2011, A&A, 526, A107
- The galactic unclassified B[e] star HD 50138 II. Interferometric constraints on the close circumstellar environment

Borges Fernandes, M., A. Meilland, P. Bendjoya, A. Domiciano de Souza, G. Niccolini, O. Chesneau, F. Millour, A. Spang, Stee, Ph and M. Kraus, 2011, A&A, 528, A20
- Kinematics and geometrical study of the Be stars 48 Per and ψ Per with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer

O. Delaa, Stee, Ph, A. Meilland, J. Zorec, D. Mourard, Ph. Bério, D. Bonneau, O. Chesneau, J-M Clausse, P. Cruzalebes, K. Perraut et al. 2011, A&A, 529, A87
- Imaging the dynamical atmosphere of the red supergiant Betelgeuse in the CO first overtone lines with VLTI/AMBER

Ohnaka, K., Weigelt, G. Millour, F. K.-H. Hofmann, T. Driebe, D. Schertl, A. Chelli, F. Massi, R. Petrov and Stee, Ph, 2011, A&A, 529, A163
- Spatio-spectral encoding of fringes in optical long baseline interferometry: Example of the 3T and 4T recombining mode of VEGA/CHARA

Mourard, D. Bério, Ph., Perraut K., R. Ligi, A. Blazit, J.M. Clausse, N. Nardetto, A. Spang, I. Tallon-Bosc, D. Bonneau, O. Chesneau, O. Delaa, F. Millour, Stee, Ph, J.B. Le Bouquin, T. ten Brummelaar, C. Farrington, P.J. Goldfinger and J.D. Monnier 2011, A&A, 531, A110
- The binary Be star δ Sco at high spectral and spatial resolution: Disk geometry and kinematics before the 2011 periastron

Meilland, A., Delaa, O.,Stee, Ph., Kanaan, S., Millour, F., Mourard, D., Bonneau, D., Petrov, R., Nardetto, N., Marcotto, A., Roussel, A., Clausse, J-M, Perrault, K., H. McAlister, T.~ten~Brummelaar, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, N. Turner, Ridgway, S.T., C. Farrington, P.J. Goldfinger 2011, A&A, 532A, 80M
- A large Hα line forming region for the massive interacting binaries β Lyrae and υ Sagitarii

Bonneau,D., O. Chesneau, D. Mourard, Ph. Bério, J. M. Clausse, O. Delaa, A. Marcotto, K. Perraut, A. Roussel, A. Spang, Stee, Ph.,, I. Tallon-Bosc, H. McAlister, T. ten Brummelaar, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, N. Turner, C. Farrington, and P. J. Goldfinger 2011, A&A, 532A, 148B
- Chromosphere of K giant stars: Geometrical extent and spatial structure detection

Berio, P. T. Merle, F. Thévenin, D. Bonneau, D. Mourard, O. Chesneau, O. Delaa, R. Ligi, N. Nardetto, K. Perraut, B. Pichon, Stee, Ph, I. Tallon-Bosc, J.M. Clausse, A. Spang, H. McAlister5, T. ten Brummelaar, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, N. Turner, C. Farrington, and P.J. Goldfinger 2011, A&A, 535, A59
- The diameter of the CoRoT target HD 49933 Combining the 3D limb darkening, asteroseismology, and interferometry

Bigot, L. D. Mourard, P. Berio, F. The ́venin, R. Ligi, I. Tallon-Bosc, O. Chesneau, O. Delaa, N. Nardetto, K. Perraut, Stee, Ph, T. Boyajian, P. Morel, B. Pichon, P. Kervella, F. X. Schmider, H. McAlister, T. ten Brummelaar, S. T. Ridgway, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, N. Turner, C. Farrington and P. J. Goldfinger 2011, A&A Letter, 534, L3.
Year 2010
- Resolving the dusty circumstellar environment of the A[e] supergiant HD 62623 with the VLTI/MIDI

Meilland, A. , S. Kanaan , M. Borges , O. Chesneau , F. Millour , Stee, Ph., and B. Lopez, 2010, A&A, 512, 73
- The Hα line formation region of AB Aurigae spatially resolved at sub-AU with the VEGA/CHARA spectro-interferometer

Rousselet-Perraut, K., Benisty, M., Mourard, D., Rajabi, S.; Bacciotti, F.; Bério, Ph.; Bonneau, D.; Chesneau, O.; Clausse, J. M.; Delaa, O.; Marcotto, A.; Roussel, A.; Spang, A.; Stee, Ph.; Tallon-Bosc, I.; McAlister, H.; Ten Brummelaar, T.; Sturmann, J.; Sturmann, L.; Turner, N.; Farrington, C.; Goldfinger, P. J., 2010, A&A, 516, L1
- Time, spatial, and spectral resolution of the Hα line-formation region of Deneb and Rigel with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer

O. Chesneau, L. Dessart , D. Mourard , Ph. Bério, Ch. Buil, D. Bonneau, M. Borges Fernandes, J. M. Clausse, O. Delaa, A. Marcotto, A. Meilland, F. Millour, N. Nardetto, K. Perraut, A. Roussel, A. Spang, Stee, Ph, I. Tallon-Bosc, H. McAlister, T. ten Brummelaar, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, N. Turner, C. Farrington, and P. J. Goldfinger, 2010, A&A, 521, A5
Year 2009:
- Is the Critical Rotation of Be stars really Critical for the Be Phenomenon ?

Stee Ph. & Meilland, A. Lecture Notes in Physics, 2009, 765, 195
- The circumbinary dusty disk around the hydrogen-deficient binary star υ Sagittarii

Netolicky, M., Bonneau, D., Chesneau, O., Harmanec, P., Koubsky, P., Mourard, D., Stee, Ph., et al. 2009, A&A, 499, 827
- Spatially resolving the inhomogeneous structure of the dynamical atmosphere of Betelgeuse with VLTI/AMBER

K. Ohnaka, K.-H. Hofmann, M. Benisty, A. Chelli, T. Driebe, F. Millour, R. Petrov, D. Schertl, Stee, Ph., F. Vakili, and G. Weigelt 2009, A&A, 503, 183
- VLTI/MIDI observations of 7 classical Be stars

Meilland, A., Stee, Ph., Chesneau, O. & Jones, C. 2009, A&A, 505, 687
- A binary engine fueling HD 87643's complex circumstellar environment using AMBER/VLTI imaging

Millour, F. Chesneau, O., Borges Fernades, M., Meilland, A., Mars, G., Benoist, C., Thiébaut, E., Stee, Ph., and 11 other authors 2009, A&A, 507, 317
- Resolving the asymmetric inner wind region of the yellow hypergiant IRC +10420 with VLTI/AMBER in low and high spectral resolution mode

T. Driebe, K.-H. Hofmann, K. Ohnaka, S. Kraus, F. Millour, K. Murakawa, D. Schertl, G. Weigelt, R. Petrov, M. Wittkowski, C.A. Hummel, J.B. Le Bouquin, A. Merand, M Scholler, F. Massi, Stee, Ph., and E. Tatulli 2009, A&A, 507, 283
- PEGASE, an infrared interferometer to study stellar environments and low mass companions around nearby stars

Ollivier, M., O. Absil, F. Allard, J.-P. Berger, P. Bordé, F. Cassaing, B. Chazelas, A. Chelli, O. Chesneau, V. Coudé Du Foresto, D. Defrère, P. Duchon, P. Gabor, J. Gay, E. Herwats, S. Jacquinod, P. Kern, P. Kervella, J.-M. Le Duigou, A. Léger, B. Lopez, F. Malbet, D. Mourard, D. Pelat, G. Perrin, Y. Rabbia, D. Rouan, J.-M. Reiss, G. Rousset, F. Selsis, Stee, Ph., and J. Surdej, Experimental Astronomy, 2009. 23: p. 403-434.
- The galactic unclassified B[e] star HD 50138 I. A possible new shell-phase and slow-down ?

Borges Fernandes, M. M. Kraus, O. Chesneau, A. Domiciano de Souza, F. X. de Araujo, D. Korcakova, Stee, Ph., A. Meilland, A. Spang, P. Bendjoya 2009, A&A, 508, 309
- Revealing the sub-AU asymmetries of the inner dust rim in the disk around the Herbig Ae star R CrA

Kraus, S., K.-H. Hofmann, F. Malbet, A. Meilland, A. Natta, D. Schertl, Stee, Ph. , and G. Weigelt 2009, A&A, 508, 787
- VEGA: Visible spEctroGraph and polArimeter for the CHARA Array; Principle and performance

Mourard, D., J.M. Clausse, A. Marcotto, K. Perraut, I. Tallon-Bosc, Ph. Berio, A. Blazit, D. Bonneau, S. Bosio, Y. Bresson, O. Chesneau, O. Delaa, F. Henault, Y. Hughes, S. Lagarde, G. Merlin, A. Roussel, A. Spang, Stee, Ph. et al. 2009, A&A, 508, 1073
Year 2008:
- Disk and wind evolution of Achernar: the breaking of the fellowship

Kanaan, S., Meilland, A., Stee, Ph., et al. 2008, A&A, 486, 785
- δ Cen: a new binary Be star detected by VLTI/AMBER spectro-interferometry

Meilland, A., F. Millour, Stee, Ph., et al. 2008, A&A, 488, L67-70
- Spacially resolving the hot CO around the young Be star 51 Ophiuchi

Tatulli E., Malbet F., Ménard., Gil, C., Testi, L., Natta, A., Kraus, S., Stee, Ph., Robbe-Dubois, S. 2008, A&A, 489, 1141
-The origin of hydrogen line emission for five Herbig Ae/Be stars spatially resolved by VLTI/AMBER spectro-interferometry

Kraus S., Hofmann, K-H, Benisty, M. and 14 co-authors including Stee, Ph., A&A, 489, 1157
- The environment of the fast rotating star Achernar: II Thermal infrared interferometry with VLTI/MIDI

Kervella, P., Domiciano de Souza, A., Kanaan, S. Meilland, A., Spang, A., Stee, Ph., 2008, A&A, A&A, 493, L53
Year 2007:
- AMBER/VLTI and MIDI/VLTI spectro-interferometric observations of the B[e] supergiant CPD 57-2874. Size and geometry of the circumstellar envelope in the near- and mid-IR

Domiciano de Souza, A., Driebe, T., Chesneau, O., Hofmann, K-H., Kraus, S., Miroshniichenko, A.S., Ohnaka, K., Petrov, R.G., Preibisch, Th., Stee, Ph. Weigelt, G. 2007, A&A, 464, 81
- Disk and wind interactions in the young stellar object MWC 297 spatially resolved with AMBER/VLTI

Malbet, F., Benisty, M., de Wit W.J., Kraus, S., Meilland, A., Millour, F., Tatulli, E., Berger, J.-P., Chesneau, O., Hofmann, K.-H., Isella, A., Petrov, R., Preibish, T., Stee, Ph. et al. 2007, A&A, 464, 43
- Interferometric data reduction with AMBER/VLTI. Principle, estimators and illustration

Tatulli, E., Millour, F., Chelli, A. and 87 co-authors including Stee, Ph., Wittkowski, M. 2007, A&A, 464, 29.
- First direct detection of a Keplerian rotating disk around the Be star a Arae using the VLTI/AMBER instrument

Meilland, A., Stee, Ph.,Vannier, M., Millour, F., Domiciano de Souza, A., Malbet, F., Martayan, C., Paresce, F., Petrov, R., Richichi, A., Spang, A. 2007, A&A, 464, 59
- Constraining the wind launching region in Herbig Ae stars: AMBER/VLTI spectroscopy of HD104237

Tatulli, E., Isella, I., Natta, A., Marconi A., Malbet, F., Stee, Ph., Petrov, R.G., Millour, F. and the AMBER consortium 2007, A&A, 464, 55
- Optical configuration and analysof the AMBER/VLTI instrument

Robbe-Dubois, S. Lagarde, S. Antonelli, P. and 85 co-authors including Stee, Ph., 2007, A&A, 464, 13
- Direct constraint on the distane of γ2 Velorum from AMBER/VLTI observations
Millour, F., Chesneau, O., Petrov, R.G. and 95 co-authors including Stee, Ph. 2007, A&A, 464, 107
- An asymmetry detected in the disk of KCMa with AMBER/VLTI

Meilland, A., Millour, F., Stee Ph. et al. 2007, A&A, 464, 73
- Near-Infrared interferometry of h Carinae with spectral resolutions of 1500 and 12000 using AMBER/VLTI

Weigelt, G., Kraus, S., Driebe, T. and 109 co-authors including Stee, Ph., 2007, A&A, 464, 87.
- AMBER, the near-infrared spectro-interferometric three telescopes VLTI instrument

Petrov, R.G., Malbet, F., Weigelt, G. and 95 co-authors including Stee, Ph. 2007, A&A, 464, 1
- VLTI/AMBER interferometric observations of the recurrent Nova RS Oph 5.5 days after outburst

O. Chesneau , N. Nardetto , F. Millour, Ch. Hummel, A. Domiciano de Souza, D. Bonneau, M. Vannier , F.T. Rantakyro, A. Spang , F. Malbet, D. Mourard, M.F. Bode, T.J. OBrien, G. Skinner, R. Petrov, Ph. Stee, E. Tatulli, F. Vakili 2007, A&A, 464, 119
Year 2006:
- A study of the B and Be stars population in the field of the LMC open cluster NGC2004 with VLT-FLAMES

C. Martayan, A.M. Hubert, M. Floquet, J. Fabegat, Y. Frémat, C. Neiner, Stee, Ph. and J. Zorec 2006, A&A, 445, 931
- Resolving the compact dusty discs around binary post-AGB stars using N-band interferometry

Deroo, P., Van Winckel, H., Min, M., Waters, L.B.F.M., Verhoelst, T., Jaffe, W., Morel, S., Paresce, F., A. Richichi, Stee, Ph., Wittkowski, M. 2006, A&A, 450, 181.
- Be stars: one ring to rule them all ?

Meilland, A., Stee, Ph., Zorec, J., Kaanan, S. 2006, A&A, 455, 953
Year 2005:
- First VLTI/MIDI observations of a Be star: a Ara

O. Chesneau, A. Meilland, T. Rivinus, Stee, Ph., S. Jankov, A. Domiciano de Souza, U. Graser, T. Herbst, E. Janot-Pacheco, R. Koehler, C. Leinert, S. Morel, F. Paresce, A. Richichi and S. Robbe-Dubois 2005, A&A, 435, 275.
Year 2004: - A gas+dust model of the peculiar envelope of HD 62623 based on interferometric observations

Stee, Ph., Bittar, J., Lopez, B. 2004, ApJ, 602, 978.
Year 2003:
- Estimation of the mass loss, opening angle and mass of Be circumstellar disks from Br_gamma continuum emission and interferometric measurements

Stee, Ph. 2003, A&A, 403, 1023.
- Active hot star shells

Stee, Ph. 2003, Astophysics & Space Science, 286, 225.
- Second generation instrumentation for the VLTI: The French VLTI connection

Mourard, D., Lardiere, O., Lopez, B., Malbet, F. & Stee, Ph. 2003, Astophysics & Space Science, 286, 225.
Year 2001:
- Near-IR and visible interferometry of Be stars: constraints from wind models

Stee, Ph., & J. Bittar 2001, A&A, 367, 532.
- High angular resolution observations in the near-IR and modeling of the peculiar envelope of HD 62623

Bittar, J., Tuthill, P., Monnier, J.D., Lopez, B., Danchi, W., Stee, Ph. 2001, A&A, 368, 197
Year 2000:
- Importance of Small Telescopes in the understanding of active hot stars physics

Stee, Ph. 2000, Astophysics & Space Science, Vol 273/1-4, p 225.
Year 1999:
- Interferometric insight into Gamma Cas long-term variability

Berio, Ph.,Stee, Ph., Vakili, F., Mourard, D., Bonneau, D., Chesneau, O., Thureau, N., Le Mignant, D., Hirata, R. 1999, A&A, 345, 203.
Year 1998:
- On the inner envelope of the Be star Gamma Cas

Stee, Ph., Vakili, F., Mourard, D., Bonneau, D. 1998, "On the inner envelope of the Be star Gamma Cas", A&A, 332, 268.
- Evidence for one-armed oscillations in the equatorial disk of zeta Tau from GI2T spectrally resolved interferometry

Vakili, F., Mourard, D., Stee, Ph. et al. 1998, A&A, 335, 261.
- How thin B[e] supergiant disks can be ?

Stee, Ph. 1998, A&A, 336, 980.
- Spectrally resolved Michelson interferometry: I exact formalism in the multi-speckle mode

Berio, Ph., Mourard, D., Bonneau, D., Chesneau, O., Stee, Ph., Thureau, N., Vakili, F. & Borgnino, J. 1998, JOSA A, Vol. 16, No 4, p 872.
Year 1997:
- The mean angular diameter of delta Cephei measured by optical long-baseline interferometry

Mourard, D., Bonneau, D., Koechlin, L., Labeyrie, A., Morand, F., Stee, Ph., Tallon-Bosc, I. et Vakili, F. 1997, A&A, 317, 789
- Rapid photospheric variability in the Be star 48 Per from the MUSICOS 1989 campaign

A.M. Hubert, M. Floquet, J.X. Hao, S. Caillet, C. Catala et al. and Stee, Ph. 1997, A&A, 324, 929.
- Subtle structures in the wind of P-Cyg

Vakili, F., Mourard, D., Bonneau, D., Morand, F., and Stee Ph. 1997, A&A, 323, 183.
- An attempt to detect polarization effects in the envelope of Gamma Cas with the GI2T interferometer

Rousselet-Perraut, K., Vakili, F., Mourard, D., Morand, F., Bonneau, D. and Stee Ph. 1997, A&A suppl., 123, 173.
Year 1996: - On the Kinematics of the Be star Gamma Cassiopeiae

Stee, Ph. 1996, A&A, 311, 945
- Jet-like structures in Beta Lyr?

Harmanec, P., Morand, F., Bonneau, D., Bozic, H., Guinan, E.F., Hadrava, P., Hall, D.S., Jiang, Y., Mourard, D., Stee, Ph., Sterken, C., Tallon-Bosc, I., Vakili, F., Walker, G.A.H., Yang, S. and Le Contel, J.M. 1996, A&A, 312, 879.
- Dispersed fringe tracking with multi-r_o apertures of the Grand interferometre a 2 Telescopes

Koechlin, L., Lawson, P.R., Mourard, D., Blazit, A.,Bonneau, D., Morand, F., Stee, Ph., Tallon-Bosc,I. et Vakili, F. 1996, Applied Opallon-Bosc,I. et Vakili, F. 1996, Applied Optics, vol 35, No 16, 3002.
Year 1995: - Gamma Cas revisited by spectrally resolved interferometry

Stee, Ph., de Araujo, F.X., Vakili, F., Mourard, D., Arnold, L., Bonneau, F.X., Vakili, F., Mourard, D., Arnold, L., Bonneau, D., Morand, F., and Tallon-Bosc, I. 1995, A&A, 300, 219
Year 1994: - Estimation of visibility amplitude by optical long-baseline Michelson interferometry with large apertures

Mourard, D., Tallon-Bosc, I., Rigal, F., Vakili, F., Bonneau, D., Morand, F. et Stee Ph., 1994, A&A, 288, 675
- Line profiles and intensity maps from an axi-symmetric radiative wind model for Be stars

Stee, Ph. and Araujo, F.X. 1994, A&A, 292, 221

Photo by Sergey Shugarov, XIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium 2012
Invited communications:
Stee, Ph., Bonneau, D., Lawson, P., Morand, F., Mourard, D., Tallon, I., Vakili, F. 1994,"Michelson-Spectro-Interferometry (MSI) of Be stars envelopes with the GI2T interferometer", IAU Colloquium 149 "Tridimensional optical spectroscopic methods in astrophysics", Eds. G. Comte and M. Marcelin, p365.
Stee, Ph., Bonneau, D., Lawson, P., Morand, F., Mourard, D., Tallon, I., Vakili, F. 1994, "Stellar Astrophysics with sub-milliarcsecond optical interferometry", IAU Symposium 166, Eds E. Hoeg and P.K. Seidelmann, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p 149
Stee, Ph., Bonneau D., Morand, F., Mourard, Vakili, F. 1995c, IAU Symposium 176, Edited by K.G. Strassmeier and J.L. Linsky, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p 191
Stee, Ph., Bonneau D., F., Mourard, Vakili, F. 1998, "High Angular Resolution Observations (HARO) bringing new insight into the physics of radiatively driven winds", Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 169 "Variable and Non-Spherical Stellar Winds in Luminous Hot Stars", , Heidelberg, Eds. B. Wolf, O. Stahl, A. Fullerton, Springer, p 115
Stee, Ph. & A. Domiciano Jr 2002,"Science with differential phase", EAS Publication Series, Edited by G. Perrin and F. Malbet, Vol 6, p 237.
Paper Review:
Vakili, F., Mourard, D. and Stee, Ph. 1993, "Optical resolution of Be star envelopes", Symposium IAU 162, ed. H. Henrichs, L. Balona, and J.M. Le Contel, p 435
Stee, Ph. 2000, "Direct optical imaging of Berect optical imaging of Be disks", Colloquium IAU 175, Eds. M. A. Smith, H.F. Henrichs, and J. Fabregat, A.S.P. Conf. Ser. Vol. 214, p 129
Stee, Ph. « Active Hot Star Shells » 2003, in « The Very Large Telescope Interferometer – Challenges for the future », Paulo J.V. Garcia, Andreas Glindemann, Thomas Henning and Fabien Malbet Eds.Kluwer Academic Publishers, p225
Stee, Ph. Meilland, A.; Berger, D.; Gies, D. 2005, "Interferometric Studies of Hot Star Disks", The Nature and Evolution of Disks Around Hot Stars, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 337, Proceedings of a meeting held 7-9 July 2004 in Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. Edited by Richard Ignace and Kenneth G. Gayley., p.211
Stee, Ph., 2011, "Observations of circumstellar disks", Active OB stars: structure, evolution, mass loss and critical limits Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 272, 2010 C. Neiner, G. Wade, G. Meynet & G. Peters eds, p 313
Stee, Ph., 2012, « Binaries and multiple systems observed with the CHARA, NPOI, SUSI and VLTI interferometric eyes », From Interacting Binaries to Exoplanets: Essential Modeling Tools. Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 282, 2012, edited by M. Richards and I. Hubeny, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 7, p155
Stee, Ph., A. Meilland, O. Creevey 2014, « Interferometry of massive stars: the next step », New windows on massive stars: asteroseismology, interferometry, and spectropolarimetry, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 307, 2014, G. Meynet, C. Georgy, J.H. Groh & Ph. Stee, eds.

Papers in International Symposium and Colloquium:
Stee, Ph., Friedjung, M., Bensammar, S., Chauville, J., Letourneur, N. 1990, Colloquium "The infrared Spectral region of stars", Cambridge University Press.
Araujo, F.X. and Stee, Ph. 1993, "Continuum flux and polarization in B[e] supergiants", Symposium IAU 162, ed. H. Henrichs, L. Balona, and J.M. Le Contel, p 473
Hirata, R., Le Mignant, D., Stee, Ph. Vakili, F., Mourard, D., Okasaki, A., Morand, F. and Bonneau, D. 1995, East Asian Meeting on Astronomy, July 17-21, Tokyo, in press
Stee, Ph. and Araujo, F.X. 1993, "Latitude dependent radiative wind model for Be star: Line profiles and intensity maps", Symposium IAU 162, ed. H. Henrichs, L. Balona, and J.M. Le Contel, p 470
Stee, Ph. 1994, dans "Circumstellar Matter 94", Eds. G.D. Watt and P.M. Williams, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p 561.
Tallon-Bosc, I., Bonneau, D., Labeyrie, A., Morand, F., Mourard, D., Stee, Ph., Vakili, F., 1994, "Progress on GI2T", Symposium IAU , ed. J.G. Robertson and W.J. Tango, p 155
Vakili, F., Bonneau, D., Lawson, P., Merlin, G., Mourard, D., Stee, Ph., Tallon-Bosc, I., and Vallee, F. 1994, "Amplitude and Intensity Spatial Interferometry II", ed. J.B. Breckinridge, vol. 2200, SPIE, Hawaii
A.M. Hubert, M. Floquet et al. and Stee, Ph. 1996,"Rapid photospheric variability in the Be star 48 Per", Symposium UAI181, Nice
Stee, Ph., Mourard, D., Bonneau, D., Koechlin, L., Labeyrie, A., Morand, F., Tallon-Bosc, I., Vakili, F. 1997, "The mean angular diameter of delta Cephei measured by optical long-baseline interferometry", 12 th IAP colloquium, Eds R. Ferlet, J.P. Maillard, B. Raban, p 447
N. Thureau, O. Chesneau, P. Berio, D. Bonneau, D. Mourard, Ph., Stee, F. Vakili, C. Verinaud 1998, "Spectrally resolved interferometry of luminous and multiple stars with the GI2T", SPIE Conference on Astronomical Interferometry, Ed. R.D.stronomical Interferometry, Ed. R.D. Reasenberg, Kona, Hawwaii, SPIE Vol 3350, p 505
D. Mourard, N. Thureau, P. Antonelli, P. Berio, J.C. Blanc, A. Blazit, J.L. Boit, D. Bonneau, O. Chesneau, J.M. Clausse, J.M. Corneloup, R. Dalla, M. Dugue, A. Glentzlin, L. Hill, A. Labeyrie, J. LeMerrer, S. Menardi, G. Merlin, G. Moreaux, R. Petrov, S. Rebattu, K. Rousselet-Perraut, Ph., Stee, I. Tallon-Bosc, J. Trastour, F. Vakili, C. Verinaud, C. Voet, G. Waultier 1998, "Spectrally resolved interferometry of luminous and multiple stars with the GI2T", SPIE Conference on Astronomical Interferometry, Ed. R.D. Reasenberg, Kona, Hawwaii, SPIE Vol 3350, p 517
Stee, Ph., D., Bonneau, Mourard, D., Vakili, F. 1998, "A radiative wind model for active hot stars", Numerical Astrophysics 98, Tokyo, Japan, p 345
Vakili, F., Mourard, D., Bonneau, D., Stee, Ph. 1998, "Optical Interferometry of Aspherical Winds", Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 169 "Variable and Non-Spherical Stellar Winds in Luminous Hot Stars", Heidelberg, Eds. B. Wolf, O. Stahl, A. Fullerton, Springer, P 87.
N. Thureau, D. Bonneau, D. Mourard, Ph., Stee, F. Vakili, P. Harmanec 1999, "Watching Binar 1999, "Watching Binary Systems with Be Components with the GI2T-REGAIN Spectro-Interferometer", Colloquium IAU 175, Eds. M. A. Smith, H.F. Henrichs, and J. Fabregat, in press
G. Weigelt, D. Mourard, L. Abe, U. Beckmann, O. Chesneau, C. Hillemanns, K-H. Hofmann, S. Ragland, D. Schertl, M. Scholz, Ph. Stee, N. Thureau,F. Vakili 2000, "GI2T/REGAIN spectro-interferometry with a new infrared beam combiner", Munich, SPIE Conf. Vol, 4006, Lena, P. J., Quirrenbach, A. (eds.), 617-626
D. Mourard, D. Bonneau, A. Glentzlin, G. Merlin, R. Petrov, M. Pierron, N. Thureau and L. Abe, P. Berio, A. Blazit, O. Chesneau, Ph. Stee, S. Ragland, F. Vakili, C. Verinaud 2000, "The GI2T/REGAIN Interferometer", Munich, SPIE Conf. Vol, 4006, Lena, P. J., Quirrenbach, A. (eds.)
A. Richichi, T. Blöcker, R. Foy, D. Fraix-Burnet, B. Lopez, F. Malbet, Ph. Stee, O.Van der Lühe, G. Weigelt 2000, « Sciences opportunities with AMBER, the nearIR VLTI instrument », Munich, SPIE, Vol 4006, p80
Petrov, Romain G.; Stee, Philippe; Weigelt, Gerd; Mourard, Denis; Vakili, Farrokh; Jankov, Slobodan; Mathias, Philippe; Lagarde, Stephane; Robbe-Dubois, Sylvie;Foy, Renaud 2002 « The Potential of an Extension of Amber to the Visible » Scientific Drivers for ESO Future VLT/VLTI Instrumentation Proceedings of theESO Workshop held in Garching, Germany, 11-15 June, 2001. p. 320. •Ph. Stee, A. Domiciano, « Science with differential phases », 2003, EDP Sciences,VLTI EuroWinter School, p237
Malbet, Fabien; Bloecker, Thomas; Foy, Renaud; Fraix-Burnet, Didier;Mathias, Philippe; Marconi, Alesssandro; Monin, Jean-Louis; Petrov, Romain G.; Stee, Philippe; Testi, Leonardo; Weigelt, Gerd 2003 « Astrophysical potential ofthe AMBER/VLTI instrument » nterferometry for Optical Astronomy II. Edited by Wesley A. Traub . Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 4838, pp. 917-923
Mourard, Denis; Abe, Lyu; Domiciano, Armando; Bonneau, Daniel; Blazit, Alain; Vakili, Farrokh; Stee, Philippe 2003 « Status report on the GI2T interferometer » Interferometry for Optical Astronomy II. Edited by Wesley A. Traub. Proceedingsof the SPIE, Volume 4838, pp. 9-18
Malbet, Fabien, Driebe, Thomas M.; Foy, Renaud; Fraix-Burnet, Didier; Mathias, Philippe; Marconi, Alessandro; Monin, Jean-Louis; Petrov, Romain G.; Stee, Philippe ; Testi, Leonardo; Weigelt, Gerd P. 2004, "Science program of the AMBER consortium", New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry, Proceedings of SPIE Volume 5491. Edited by Wesley A. Traub. Bellingham, WA: The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2004., p.1722
Chesneau, O, Meilland, A. Stee Ph., Rivinus T. et al. 2004, « The Mid-IR Interferometer VLTI/MIDI and the Study of Hot Star Disks », Astron. Nachr., Vol. 325, P20
Chesneau, O, Waters, L. B. F. M.; Leinert, Ch.; Stee Ph.; Meilland, A.; van Boekel, R.; Min, M. 2005, "The Mid-IR interferometer VLTI/MIDI and the study of hot star disks", The Nature and Evolution of Disks Around Hot Stars, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 337, Proceedings of a meeting held 7-9 July 2004 in Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. Edited by Richard Ignace and Kenneth G. Gayley., p.225
G. Weigelt, Beckert, T.; Beckmann, U.; Driebe, T.; Foy, R.; Fraix-Burnet, D.; Hofmann, K.-H.; Kraus, S.; Malbet, F.; Mathias, P.; Marconi, A.; Monin, J.-L.; Petrov, R.; Schertl, D.; Stee Ph.; Testi, L. 2005, "Near-infrared Interferometry with the AMBER Instrument of the VLTI", Astron. Nachr., Vol. 326, 572-572
A. Domiciano de Souza, T. Driebe, O. Chesneau, K.-H. Hofmann, S. Kraus, A. S. Miroshnichenko, K., Ohnaka, R. G. Petrov, Th. Preibisch,Stee Ph., G. Weigelt 2005, "The vicinity of the galactic supergiant B[e] star CPD -57 2874 from near- and mid-IR long baseline spectro-interferometry with the VLTI (AMBER and MIDI)", ASP proceedings of the Workshop "Stars with the B[e] Phenomenon"
Stee Ph & A. Meilland 2005 "Interferometric view on massive active hot and dusty stars", ASP proceedings of the Workshop "Stars with the B[e] Phenomenon"
Stee Ph "Discussion Session: Formation of disks around Be and B[e] stars: a common mechanism ?" 2005, ASP proceedings of the Workshop "Stars with the B[e] Phenomenon"
Fabregat, J., G.J. Peters, S.P. Owocki, K.S. Bjorkman, D.R. Gies, H.F. Henrichs, D.A. McDavid, C. Neiner and P. Stee, Inter-Division IV-V / Working Group Active B-Type Stars. Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series A, 2008. 27: p. 242-244.
Malbet, F., M. Benisty, W.J. De Wit, S. Kraus, A. Meilland, F. Millour, E. Tatulli, J.-P. Berger, O. Chesneau, K.-H. Hofmann, A. Isella, R. Petrov, T. Preibisch, P. Stee, L. Testi and G. Weigelt. Disentangling the Wind and the Disk in the Close Surrounding of the Young Stellar Object MWC297 with AMBER/VLTI. in The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation. 2008.
Weigelt, G., O. Chesneau, T. Driebe, R. Foy, D. Fraix-Burnet, J.H. Groh, K.-H. Hofmann, S. Kraus, F. Malbet, A. Marconi, P. Mathias, F. Millour, J.-L. Monin, R. Petrov, F. Rantakyrö, A. Richichi, D. Schertl, M. Schöller, P. Stee, L. Testi, and M. Wittkowski. VLTI-AMBER observations of Eta Carinae with the FINITO fringe tracker and spectral resolution 12000. in Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. 2008.
Bonneau, D., O. Chesneau, D. Mourard and P. Stee. Spectro-interferometric observations of interacting massive stars with VEGA/CHARA. in ASP Conference Series. 2009. Brno.
Peters, Geraldine J.; Jones, Carol E.; Townsend, Richard D.; Fabregat, Juan; Bjorkman, Karen S.; McSwain, M. Virginia; Mennickent, Ronald E.; Neiner, Coralie; Stee, Philippe; Fabregat, Juan, "Division Iv/v Working Group on Active B Stars", 2010, Transactions IAU, Volume 6, Issue T27, p. 201-204
Fabregat, Juan; Peters, Geraldine J.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Bjorkman, Karen S.; Gies, Douglas R.; Henrichs, Hubertus F.; McDavid, David A.; Neiner, Coralie; Stee, Philippe "Inter-Division IV-V / Working Group Active B-Type Stars" 2009, Transactions IAU, Volume 4, Issue 27A, Reports on Astronomy 2006-2009. Edited by Karel van der Hucht. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009, p. 242-244
Mourard, D.; Tallon, M.; Bério, Ph.; Bonneau, D.; Chesneau, O.; Clausse, J. M.; Delaa, O.; Nardetto, N.; Perraut, K.; Spang, A.; Stee, Ph.; Tallon-Bosc, I.; McAlister, H.; Ten Brummelaar, T.; Sturmann, J.; Sturmann, L.; Turner, N.; Farrington, C.; Goldfinger, P. J. "Performances and first science results with the VEGA/CHARA visible instrument", 2010, SPIE, Volume 7734, pp. 77340D-77340D-10
Meilland, Antony; Kanaan, Sameer; Fernandes, Marcelo Borges; Chesneau, Olivier; Millour, Florentin; Stee, Philippe; Lopez, Bruno "Resolving the dusty circumstellar environment of the A[e] supergiant HD 62623 with the VLTI/MIDI", Active OB stars: structure, evolution, mass loss and critical limits Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 272, 2011 C. Neiner, G. Wade, G. Meynet & G. Peters eds, p 406
Zorec, Juan; Frémat, Yves; Delaa, Omar; Domiciano de Souza, Armando; Stee, Philippe; Mourard, Denis; Cidale, Lydia S.; Martayan, Christophe « Spectroscopic and interferometric approach for differential rotation in massive fast rotators » Active OB stars: structure, evolution, mass loss and critical limits Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 272, 2011 C. Neiner, G. Wade, G. Meynet & G. Peters eds, p 103
Scientific Reports / Books / SF2A:
Rapporteur sur la partie "Physique et dynamique" au Forum du Gdr "Milieux circumstellaires", Ph., Stee, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, 21-22 Septembre 1994
"Modélisation d'étoiles Be et apport de la haute résolution angulaire sur la contrainte des paramêtres du modèle", Ph., Stee, Journées scientifiques de la SFSA, Arcachon, 29 mars au 1 Avril 1993.
"Mysterieuses étoiles Be: cibles privilegiées pour la synthèse d'ouverture optique", Ph., Stee, Journées scientifiques de la SFSA, Besancon 28-31 Mars 1994
"Les vents radiatifs et les enveloppes des étoiles Be", Ph., Stee et F.X. de Araujo, Journées scientifiques de la SFSA, Besancon 28-31 Mars 1994
"Calibration des mesures de visibilité au GI2T", D., Mourard, D., Bonneau, F., Morand, Ph., Stee, M., Tallon, F., Vakili, Journees scientifiques de la SFSA, Besancon 28-31 Mars 1994
"Perte de masse dans les étoiles chaudes", Ph. Stee 1994, "Journees organisees par le Programme National Haute Résolution Angulaire" (PNHRA), 11 Octobre 1994
"Modeling the circumstellar envelopes of B[e] stars", J. Bittar & Ph. Stee 2001, SF2A Lyon, EDPS Conf. Séries in Astronomy & Astrophysics, p 155.
"SIMECA: A code dedicated to active hot stars", Ph. Stee and J. Bittar 2001, SF2A Lyon, EDPS Conf. Séries in Astronomy & Astrophysics, p 225.
"The GI2T-REGAIN Interferometer", D. Mourard, L. Abe, D. Albanese, A. Blazit, P. Berio, D. Bonneau, O. Chesneau, J.L. Chevassut, A. Domiciano, G. Merlin, M. Pierron, A. Spang, Ph. Stee, F. Vakili and F. Wilkin 2001, SF2A Lyon, EDPS Conf. Séries in Astronomy & Astrophysics, p 453.
"Modelling radiative stellar winds with the SIMECA code", Ph. Stee 2002, GRETA, in "Radiative Transfer and Hydrodynamics in Astrophysics", Ed Ph. Stee, EAS Publications Series, Vol 5, p 107.
Tallon, M.; Tallon-Bosc, I.; Thiébaut, E.; Béchet, C.; Chadid, M.; Chelli, A.; Clausse, J. M.; Duvert, G.; Mourard, D.; Perrin, G.; Petrov, R.; Stee, P.; Zins, G., 2004 "JMMC Model Fitting Software for optical interferometry" SF2A-2004: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, meeting held in Paris, France, June 14-18, 2004. Edited by F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, F. Meynadier and L. Pagani. Published by EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, 2004, p. 171.
Martayan, C.; Hubert, A.-M.; Floquet, M.; Frémat, Y.; Fabregat, J.; Neiner, C.; Ph. Stee ; Zorec, J. « B star population in the field of the Large Magellanic Cloud NGC2004: first results with VLT-FLAMES» SF2A-2004: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, meeting held in Paris, France, June 14-18, 2004, Eds.: F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, F. Meynadierand L. Pagani EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, p. 301.
Summer Schools in Stellar Physics XII-XIII « Evolution of Massive Stars, Mass Loss and Winds », 2004, Editors M. Heydari-Malayei, Ph. Stee and J.P. Zahn, EAS Publications Series Vol. 13, EDP Sciences.
Bonneau, D., M. Netolický, O. Chesneau, P. Harmanec, P. Koubský, D. Mourard and P. Stee. The circumbinary dusty disk of upsilon Sgr revealed by mid-IR interferometric observations with the VLTI/MIDI. in SF2A-2008. 2008. Paris.
Kervella, P., A. Domiciano de Souza, S. Kanaan, A. Meilland, A. Spang and P. Stee. The complex environment of the fast rotating star Achernar. in SF2A-2008. 2008.
Martayan, C., Y. Frémat, R. Blomme, A. Jonckheere, M. Borges, B. de Batz, B. Leroy, R. Sordo, J.-C. Bouret, F. Martins, J. Zorec, C. Neiner, Y. Nazé, E. Alecian, M. Floquet, A.-M. Hubert, D. Briot, A. Miroshnichenko, I. Kolka, P. Stee, T. Lanz, and G. Meynet. The Gaia satellite: a tool for Emission Line Stars and Hot Stars. in SF2A-2008. 2008.
Delaa, O.; Stee, P.; Zorec, J.; Mourard, D. "Preliminary results on a sample of Be stars observed with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer", SF2A-2009: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, held 29 June - 4 July 2009 in Besançon, France. Eds.: M. Heydari-Malayeri, C. Reylé and R. Samadi, p.269
» Non-LTE Line Formation for Trace , Elements in Stellar Atmospheres », Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, EAS Publications Series, Volume 43, 2010, Edited by: R. Monier, B. Smal ley, G. Wahlgren and Ph. Stee (237 pages)
New windows on massive stars: asteroseismology, interferometry, and spectropolarimetry, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 307, 2014, G. Meynet, C. Georgy, J.H. Groh & Ph. Stee, eds. (500 pages)

Critical study of the distribution of rotational velocities of Be stars
I. Deconvolution methods, effects due to gravity darkening, macroturbulence, and binarity⋆

VEGA/CHARA interferometric observations of Cepheids
I. A resolved structure around the prototype classical Cepheid δ Cep in the visible spectral range⋆

Monte-Carlo radiative transfer simulation of the circumstellar disk of the Herbig Ae star HD 144432

Probing the wind-launching regions of the Herbig Be star HD 58647 with high spectral resolution interferometry

Year 2015
« White book » Science cases for a visible interferometer post-GRAVITY and post-MATISSE
by Ph. Stee and 53 colleagues. 2015, Please download the full document HERE
Theoretical impact of fast rotation on calibrating the surface brightness-color relation for early-type stars

The peculiar fast-rotating star 51 Ophiuchi probed by VEGA/CHARA

Spectral and spatial imaging of the Be+sdO binary ϕ Persei

Year 2014
- The expanding fireball of Nova Delphini 2013

- Long baseline interferometry in the visible: the FRIEND project

Year 2013
- Enhanced Hα activity at periastron in the young and massive spectroscopic binary HD2000775

- Spectrally resolved interferometric observations of α Cephei and physical modeling of fast rotating stars

J. Monnier, S. Kraus, X. Che Ph. Bério, D. Bonneau, J. M. Clausse, M. Challouf, R. Ligi, A. Meilland, N. Nardetto, A. Spang, H. McAlister, T. ten Brummelaar, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, N. Turner, C. Farrington and P. J. Goldfinger 2013, A&A, 555, A100
- Revealing the inclined disk in the UX Orionis system KK Ophiuchi

- Evidence of an asymmetrical Keplerian disk in the Brγ and He I emission lines around the Be star HD 110432

- The binary Be star δ Scorpii at high spectral and spatial resolution
II. The circumstellar disk evolution after the periastron

- Interactions in Massive Binary Stars as Seen by Interferometry

Year 2012
- The relationship between gamma Cassiopeiae's X-ray emission and its circumstellar environment
Part II: Geometry and kinematics of the disk from MIRC and VEGA instruments on the CHARA Array

- Spatially resolving the outer atmosphere of the M giant BK Vir in the CO first overtone lines with VLTI/AMBER

- First spectro-interferometric survey of Be stars: I. Observations and constraints on the disk geometry and kinematics

- The relationship between gamma Cassiopeiae's X-ray emission and its circumstellar environment

- A high angular and spectral resolution view into the hidden companion of ε Aurigæ

Year 2011
- Fast ray-tracing algorithm for circumstellar structures (FRACS) II. Disc parameters of the B[e] supergiant CPD-57°,2874 from VLTI/MIDI data

- An investigation of the close environment of β Cep with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer

- Differential rotation in rapidly rotating early-type stars. I. Motivations for combined spectroscopic and interferometric studies

- The fundamental parameters of the roAp star γ Equulei

- Imaging the spinning gas and dust in the disc around the supergiant A[e] star HD 62623

- The galactic unclassified B[e] star HD 50138 II. Interferometric constraints on the close circumstellar environment

- Kinematics and geometrical study of the Be stars 48 Per and ψ Per with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer

- Imaging the dynamical atmosphere of the red supergiant Betelgeuse in the CO first overtone lines with VLTI/AMBER

- Spatio-spectral encoding of fringes in optical long baseline interferometry: Example of the 3T and 4T recombining mode of VEGA/CHARA

- The binary Be star δ Sco at high spectral and spatial resolution: Disk geometry and kinematics before the 2011 periastron

- A large Hα line forming region for the massive interacting binaries β Lyrae and υ Sagitarii

- Chromosphere of K giant stars: Geometrical extent and spatial structure detection

- The diameter of the CoRoT target HD 49933 Combining the 3D limb darkening, asteroseismology, and interferometry

Year 2010
- Resolving the dusty circumstellar environment of the A[e] supergiant HD 62623 with the VLTI/MIDI

- The Hα line formation region of AB Aurigae spatially resolved at sub-AU with the VEGA/CHARA spectro-interferometer

- Time, spatial, and spectral resolution of the Hα line-formation region of Deneb and Rigel with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer

Year 2009:
- Is the Critical Rotation of Be stars really Critical for the Be Phenomenon ?

- The circumbinary dusty disk around the hydrogen-deficient binary star υ Sagittarii

- Spatially resolving the inhomogeneous structure of the dynamical atmosphere of Betelgeuse with VLTI/AMBER

- VLTI/MIDI observations of 7 classical Be stars

- A binary engine fueling HD 87643's complex circumstellar environment using AMBER/VLTI imaging

- Resolving the asymmetric inner wind region of the yellow hypergiant IRC +10420 with VLTI/AMBER in low and high spectral resolution mode

- PEGASE, an infrared interferometer to study stellar environments and low mass companions around nearby stars

- The galactic unclassified B[e] star HD 50138 I. A possible new shell-phase and slow-down ?

- Revealing the sub-AU asymmetries of the inner dust rim in the disk around the Herbig Ae star R CrA

- VEGA: Visible spEctroGraph and polArimeter for the CHARA Array; Principle and performance

Year 2008:
- Disk and wind evolution of Achernar: the breaking of the fellowship

- δ Cen: a new binary Be star detected by VLTI/AMBER spectro-interferometry

- Spacially resolving the hot CO around the young Be star 51 Ophiuchi

-The origin of hydrogen line emission for five Herbig Ae/Be stars spatially resolved by VLTI/AMBER spectro-interferometry

- The environment of the fast rotating star Achernar: II Thermal infrared interferometry with VLTI/MIDI

Year 2007:
- AMBER/VLTI and MIDI/VLTI spectro-interferometric observations of the B[e] supergiant CPD 57-2874. Size and geometry of the circumstellar envelope in the near- and mid-IR

- Disk and wind interactions in the young stellar object MWC 297 spatially resolved with AMBER/VLTI

- Interferometric data reduction with AMBER/VLTI. Principle, estimators and illustration

- First direct detection of a Keplerian rotating disk around the Be star a Arae using the VLTI/AMBER instrument

- Constraining the wind launching region in Herbig Ae stars: AMBER/VLTI spectroscopy of HD104237

- Optical configuration and analysof the AMBER/VLTI instrument

- Direct constraint on the distane of γ2 Velorum from AMBER/VLTI observations

- An asymmetry detected in the disk of KCMa with AMBER/VLTI

- Near-Infrared interferometry of h Carinae with spectral resolutions of 1500 and 12000 using AMBER/VLTI

- AMBER, the near-infrared spectro-interferometric three telescopes VLTI instrument

- VLTI/AMBER interferometric observations of the recurrent Nova RS Oph 5.5 days after outburst

Year 2006:
- A study of the B and Be stars population in the field of the LMC open cluster NGC2004 with VLT-FLAMES

- Resolving the compact dusty discs around binary post-AGB stars using N-band interferometry

- Be stars: one ring to rule them all ?

Year 2005:
- First VLTI/MIDI observations of a Be star: a Ara

Year 2004: - A gas+dust model of the peculiar envelope of HD 62623 based on interferometric observations

Year 2003:
- Estimation of the mass loss, opening angle and mass of Be circumstellar disks from Br_gamma continuum emission and interferometric measurements

- Active hot star shells

- Second generation instrumentation for the VLTI: The French VLTI connection

Year 2001:
- Near-IR and visible interferometry of Be stars: constraints from wind models

- High angular resolution observations in the near-IR and modeling of the peculiar envelope of HD 62623

Year 2000:
- Importance of Small Telescopes in the understanding of active hot stars physics

Year 1999:
- Interferometric insight into Gamma Cas long-term variability

Year 1998:
- On the inner envelope of the Be star Gamma Cas

- Evidence for one-armed oscillations in the equatorial disk of zeta Tau from GI2T spectrally resolved interferometry

- How thin B[e] supergiant disks can be ?

- Spectrally resolved Michelson interferometry: I exact formalism in the multi-speckle mode

Year 1997:
- The mean angular diameter of delta Cephei measured by optical long-baseline interferometry

- Rapid photospheric variability in the Be star 48 Per from the MUSICOS 1989 campaign

- Subtle structures in the wind of P-Cyg

- An attempt to detect polarization effects in the envelope of Gamma Cas with the GI2T interferometer

Year 1996: - On the Kinematics of the Be star Gamma Cassiopeiae

- Jet-like structures in Beta Lyr?

- Dispersed fringe tracking with multi-r_o apertures of the Grand interferometre a 2 Telescopes

Year 1995: - Gamma Cas revisited by spectrally resolved interferometry

Year 1994: - Estimation of visibility amplitude by optical long-baseline Michelson interferometry with large apertures

- Line profiles and intensity maps from an axi-symmetric radiative wind model for Be stars

Photo by Sergey Shugarov, XIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium 2012
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